Ключове слово Workplace Harassment
Не очікуйте забагато від кінця світу 2023
Анджела понаднормово гарує на низькооплачуваній роботі. Розважитися й відволіктися від стресу їй допомагає TikTok, де вона викладає їдкі глузливі відеоролики, приховавши своє обличчя маскою. Дівчина працює асистенткою продюсера і цілий день їздить містом задля безглуздого проєкту — сюжету про безпеку на робочому місці на замовлення транснаціональної компанії. Але раптово під час фільмування вибухає скандал.
That's Harassment 2018
Half Magic 2018
Come Fly with Me 1963
Arise Firebird 2023
Periwinkle 2024
The Killer Beside Me 2018
The Killer Beside Me exposes the dark underbelly of workplace evil where rivalry, romance, and the abuse of power culminate in a brutal slaying. Each episode in this series retells the shocking events leading to a horrific murder. How well do we really know our co-workers?
Rules of the Game 2022
Sam is a hard-headed manager at a family-run business in the North West. However, when Sam arrives at work one day to find a dead body in the office reception she is forced to reckon with not only murky behaviour in the present, but murderous secrets from the past as well.
The Orchestra 2022
Jeppe Nygren takes over as deputy conductor of the Copenhagen Symphony Orchestra and is warmly welcomed by his new conductor, who speaks candidly about the musicians' peculiarities and olates. The conflict-ridden Jeppe quickly gets an example of these olates and happens to give the embittered second clarinetist Bo with a cursed promise of a solo part. But it has far-reaching consequences.
She and Their Stories 2020
From the perspective of the beauty salon employee Xiaomi, the film shows the survival plight of three women of different ages and careers: Anna, an internet celebrity Bella, and Gina, a company executive. Through the mouth of the intellectual store manager Yilan, it reveals many workplaces sharply Survival scams, women’s unfairness in the workplace and other social status quo, use urban “micro-shuang dramas” to create an illustration of women’s survival in the workplace.
Alive 2019
Tells the story of a protagonist joining a group through high-level competitors while working at the infamous counseling center. The horrible secrets hidden in a call center full of extraordinary things, such as the profanity of rude customers and new colleagues, are expected to bring frightening fun. In particular, the genre of digital content is notable for the horror genre. As the new employee who will lead the content, the new Cho Seung Hyun has been confirmed.