Kaseifu no Mita is a 2011 Japanese television drama series. The story revolves around a family who is grieving over their mother's recent suicide. They hired Mita as a housekeeper to upkeep the house, which has been thrown into disarray. Mita, who is played by actress Nanako Matsushima, will do anything that her employer orders her to do, except smiling or revealing her past.
Title | I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper |
Year | 2011 |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Nippon TV |
Cast | Nanako Matsushima, Saki Aibu, Hiroki Hasegawa, Shioli Kutsuna, Taishi Nakagawa, Miyu Honda |
Crew | Kazuhiko Yukawa (Writer) |
Alternative Titles | 家政婦三田, Kaseifu no Mita, 家政婦女王, I am Mita, Your Housekeeper |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Oct 12, 2011 |
Last Air date | Dec 21, 2011 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 11 Episode |
Runtime | 54:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.40/ 10 by 19.00 users |
Popularity | 42.635 |
Language | Japanese |