TV Colosso was a Brazilian children's television series produced by Rede Globo, that began on April 19, 1993, and finished on January 3, 1997. The show utilized puppets, body puppets, remote-controlled animatronics and bluescreen puppets. It stars a group of working dogs in a TV station that struggle to put her TV shows on air.
The show presented "Jornal Colossal"; "Clip-Cão"; "Pedigree", a parody of Rede Globo's soap operas; "As Aventuras do Super-Cão"; "Olimpíadas de Cachorro"; "Acredite Se Puder" satirizing the Ripley's Believe It or Not! ; "ColosShow"; "Asfalto Quente"; "Aprendendo Prá Cachorro"; "CapaShow"; and others.
The show was created by Luiz Ferré, a graphic artist, who also created its characters; and directed by J. B. de Oliveira, famous for Rede Globo's hits No Limite and Big Brother Brasil. The puppets were created by Criadores e Criaturas, Ltda. and made by Roberto Dornelles from Grupo 100 Modos de Teatro de Bonecos.
It was a big hit on Brazil and worldwide, but was cancelled due to intense production costs.
In 2009, the show's return in April of the same year was discussed by the producer, but not happened. Also in that year, it was reported that an DVD box set featuring the show's most important episodes and a Broadway-inspired musical are in works.
- 1. Episode 11993-04-19
- 2. Episode 21993-04-20
- 3. Episode 31993-04-21
- 4. Episode 41993-04-21
- 5. Episode 51993-04-22
- 6. Episode 61993-04-26
- 7. Episode 71993-04-27
- 8. Episode 81993-04-28
- 9. Episode 91993-04-29
- 10. Episode 101993-05-03
- 11. Episode 111993-05-04
- 12. Episode 121993-05-05
- 13. Episode 131993-05-06
- 14. Episode 141993-05-10
- 15. Episode 151993-05-11
- 16. Episode 161993-05-12
- 17. Episode 171993-05-13
- 18. Episode 181993-05-17
- 19. Episode 191993-05-18
- 20. Episode 201993-05-19
- 21. Episode 211993-05-20
- 22. Episode 221993-05-24
- 23. Episode 231993-05-25
- 24. Episode 241993-05-26
- 25. Episode 251993-05-27
- 26. Episode 261993-05-31
- 27. Episode 271993-06-01
- 28. Episode 281993-06-02
- 29. Episode 291993-06-03
- 30. Episode 301993-06-07
- 31. Episode 311993-06-08
- 32. Episode 321993-06-09
- 33. Episode 331993-06-10
- 34. Episode 341993-06-14
- 35. Episode 351993-06-15
- 36. Episode 361993-06-16
- 37. Episode 371993-06-17
- 38. Episode 381993-06-21
- 39. Episode 391993-06-22
- 40. Episode 401993-06-23