Robert Constant Ghost in a Teeny Bikini Ghost in a Teeny Bikini Bikini Round-Up Teenage Cavegirl The Big Hustle Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet Karanlığın Kıskacında Word of Mouth Bir Jigolonun Yaşamı The Seventh Sense Haunting Desires Surrender Temptations Venomous Tomb of the Werewolf Gale Force Komodo vs. Cobra Komodo vs. Cobra Angel Blade Cry of the Winged Serpent Genie in a String Bikini Lost Robotların Saldırısı Amy'nin boşalma anı Stranded Yatakhanede Şenlik Var 2 Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood Submerged Air Rage