Douglas Walton Frankenstein’in Gelini Cinayet, tatlım The Secret Of St. Ives Charlie Chan in London Mary of Scotland High Tide The Lost Patrol Dick Tracy vs. Cueball The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle The Secret of Madame Blanche The Garden Murder Case Raffles Hitch Hike Lady I Conquer the Sea! Bad Lands Wallaby Jim of the Islands Over the Hill Looking Forward Body and Soul Kuzey Batı Geçidi Flight from Glory Pacific Liner Damaged Goods The Sun Never Sets Cavalcade Shock Thank You, Jeeves! Nation Aflame Yaralı Yüz Gemide İsyan Captain Hurricane The Long Voyage Home The Letter Too Many Girls Hurry, Charlie, Hurry Storm Over Bengal The Count of Monte Cristo Jesse James, Jr. Murder in Trinidad Singapore Woman Dorian Gray'in Portresi Dr. Jekyll ve Bay Hyde High Conquest Camille Kitty Trouble Preferred