Albert Hackett Away Goes Prudence Just Pretending The Country Flapper A Woman's Woman Anne of Green Gables Whoopee! Molly O' The Good-Bad Wife The Career of Katherine Bush Şahane Hayat Anne Frank'in Hatıra Defteri The Thin Man Gelinin Babası Father's Little Dividend The Long, Long Trailer In the Good Old Summertime The Pirate Easter Parade After the Thin Man Another Thin Man The Firefly Rose Marie Naughty Marietta Hide-Out Yedi Kardeşe Yedi Gelin The Diary of Anne Frank The Diary of Anne Frank The Secret of Madame Blanche Lady in the Dark Ah, Wilderness! The Virginian Give a Girl a Break Gaby Society Lawyer Five Finger Exercise The Diary of Anne Frank Thanks for the Memory Summer Holiday Small Town Girl Too Young to Kiss Gelinin Babası 2 Gelinin Babası Anne Frank'in Hatıra Defteri Easter Parade Fugitive Lovers The Hitler Gang A Certain Smile Up Pops the Devil Penthouse