John Craven Count the Hours! The Purple Heart The Human Comedy Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case Security Risk Flight to Nowhere Soyguncular Gel Sevişelim The Wild Scene Meet the People Battle Stations Lincoln's Doctor's Dog Friendly Persuasion Swell Guy Someone to Remember Over the Goal For God and Country Navy Wife Hold Back The Night Hallmark Hall of Fame Alacakaranlık Kuşağı Alfred Hitchcock Sunar I Led Three Lives The Millionaire Thriller One Step Beyond Climax! The Big Valley Judd for the Defense Matinee Theater The Adventures of Jim Bowie Wanted: Dead or Alive Robert Montgomery Presents Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Cavalcade of America Letter to Loretta Code 3 The Egg And I Stagecoach West Public Defender Four Star Playhouse Alfred Hitchcock Sunar The Case of the Dangerous Robin The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp Alfred Hitchcock Sunar Public Defender Sugarfoot