Dating Amber

Dating Amber 2020


Dating Amber, cinsellikleri hakkında spekülasyonları durdurmak için rol yapan iki arkadaş Eddie ve Amber'ın hikayesini anlatıyor * Ne zor şeydir gerçek kendin olamamak. Ve ne kolay şeydir, sonsuz denizlere hiç yelken açmadan ama bunun yerine çoğunlukça hüsnü kabul gören limanlarda öylece konfor içinde demirlemek. İşte Eddie bunlardan hangisini seçeceğine karar vermek zorunda. Koca dalgalarla derin denizlerde mücadele ederek; özgürlük mü? Yoksa dingin sığ sularda güvenlik içinde; tutsaklık mı?


My Marquis Doesn't Favor Me

My Marquis Doesn't Favor Me 2024


Morally ambiguous, the Spiritual Heaven Sect is an influential group that has remained secluded for years. Ten years ago, young lady Ling Xuan encountered two dying siblings and, in exchange for saving the younger sister's life, made a ten-year pact with the young man. She brought him into the sect's Shadow Pavilion for training, promising that if he survived, he would become her assistant. The young man fought hard and emerged alive with the name Ying Shi. Meanwhile, the sect is faltering as Ling Xuan's father, the sect leader, covets the Wanxin Technique and incites chaos in the martial arts world, even turning against his own daughter. To protect herself, Ling Xuan disguises herself as a foolish and ruthless person. At this moment, Ying Shi is sent to approach Ling Xuan to seek the Wanxin Technique. Through trials and dangers, they build trust, only for Ling Xuan to uncover Ying Shi's shocking secret just as they fall in love.