
Syriana 2005


Bob Barnes emekliliği yaklaşmış, görev başındaki son günlerini masasında kahve içerek geçirmeyi planlayan tecrübeli bir CIA ajanıdır. Ancak kendisine yapılan bir teklif planlarını bozar. Prens Nasir suikastini düzenlerse terfi alarak emekli olma şansı yakalayacaktır.Nasir, İran Körfezi’ndeki doğalgaz ve petrol zengini bir ülkenin, tahta geçmesine kesin gözüyle bakılan karizmatik varisidir. Babasının politikalarından farklı tutumlar sergileyen genç prens, ülkesindeki doğalgaz çıkarma haklarını büyük bir Amerikan şirketinden alıp Çinlilere verince enerji piyasasında dengeler bozulur.Bryan Woodman piyasalarda yıldızı yükselen genç bir adamdır. Eşi ve çocuklarıyla katıldığı Prens Nasir’in davetindeki bir kazada küçük oğlunu kaybedince, durumu hafifletmek isteyen prensten beklenmedik bir iş teklifi alır.Trafik’le Oscar’a uzanan Stephen Gaghan’dan siyaset, güç ve bu çerçevede eriyip giden sıradan insanlar üzerine çarpıcı bir yapım.


The Brink

The Brink 2015


Three top U.S. government and military officials scramble to prevent World War 3 from happening amidst the chaos of a geopolitical crisis.



Empire 2009


Empire is a unique programme that reports on and debates global powers on behalf of an international citizen. It does so in a way whereby it questions those geopolitical, geoeconomic, corporate, and other forms of power that influence citizens across borders. Many of those are not held accountable by any one government or any one nation, and so looking at the world as the global village it has become - with its integrated societies - we try to answer the questions on the minds of many of our viewers: why and how does global power act, react? And how does it throw its weight around?


Trump Takes On the World

Trump Takes On the World 2021


After one of the most shocking presidencies in history, Donald Trump’s top advisers and the leaders who clashed with him lift the lid on the critical moments of his foreign policy.


An Ocean Apart

An Ocean Apart 1988


When the 20th century opened, Britain dominated world affairs, and America stood on the sidelines. Now their positions are reversed. This is the story of how it happened.


The World of the Chinese

The World of the Chinese 2021


China is playing an increasingly important role worldwide. Under President Xi Jinping, substantial investments are being made in communication and cooperation and industrious Chinese people are settling abroad in large numbers. Documentary maker and China expert Ruben Terlou visits them in the new VPRO travel series ‘The World of the Chinese’. Who are they, what do they want to achieve and what impact does their presence have on the local population?


Crazy Borders

Crazy Borders 2022


Enclaves, loaned territories, disputed areas and microstates: This is the series that looks at places with absurd borders.


Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia

Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia 1970


Bitter Rivals illuminates the essential history - and profound ripple effect - of Iran and Saudi Arabia's power struggle. It draws on scores of interviews with political, religious and military leaders, militia commanders, diplomats, and policy experts, painting American television's most comprehensive picture of a feud that has reshaped the Middle East.