¿Quién puede matar a un niño?

¿Quién puede matar a un niño? 1976


Birkaç İngiliz turist, İspanya'nın Akdeniz kıyısındaki Almanzora adasına vardıklarında, küçük bir balıkçı köyünde hiç yetişkin olmadığını, sadece onlara bakan ve gizemli bir şekilde gülümseyen birkaç çocuk olduğunu keşfederler.


Kalp Kırığı

Kalp Kırığı 2015


Kamal ve Neelam gemi yolculuğu ile 30. yıldönümlerini kutlamak için yol alırken; kızları Ayesha ve oğulları Kabir aile düşüncesinin etkisiyle kendi romantik ilişkilerini sorgularlar. Hayat, aile, arkadaşlık, evlilik, iş ve bunların etrafında dönen problemler üzerine bir film



Nour 2020




Oceans 2008


Oceans is an eight-part series on BBC Two, which seeks to provide a better understanding of the state of the Earth's oceans today, their role in the past, present and future and their significance in global terms. Paul Rose also documents some of the scientific observations his team made as a feature for BBC News.


Sacrificing Liberty

Sacrificing Liberty 2020


The true story of the USS Liberty is more shocking than any spy novel written by Tom Clancy. The most top-secret spy ship in the world. Its client was the NSA. The ship and its 294 U.S. Navy sailors were rushed to the Mediterranean Sea. Only the White House and Pentagon knew that Israel was ready to attack Arab nations. The USS Liberty was deliberately sent into a kill zone. The casualties were staggering: 34 killed and 174 wounded. The coverup began immediately and has continued since 1967. Until now! The aging survivors have finally told their true story. Sacrificing Liberty sets the record straight.


The First Eden

The First Eden 1987


David Attenborough presents the history and natural history of the Mediterranean lands.