Kurt Çocuklar

Kurt Çocuklar 2012


Hana üniversitede sessiz sakin kendi halinde bir gence aşık olur. Aşkları ilerlerken bir gün evlenme kararı alırlar ve ardından Hana büyük bir gerçeği öğrenir. Eşi "Ookami" bir kurt adamdır ve türünün sonuncusudur. Ardından bir zaman geçer ve iki çocukları olur. Birine "Yuki" birine "Ame" derler. Yuki oldukça inatçı ve yaramaz bir kızdır. Ame ise tam tersi, oldukça sessiz ve ürkek. Ve bir gün babaları ortadan kaybolur. Aradan geçen bir zaman sonra babalarını ölü bulurlar. Bunun üzerine hayatları git gide daha da zorlaşır. Ardından bir karar alan Hana şehirden uzak, ıssız bir dağ evine taşınır. Taşındıkları yeri benimserler ve güzel bir hayat sürerler. Fakat ortada büyük bir sorun vardır. Çocukları kim olduklarıyla ilgili sorular sorarlar, ve ne olacaklarına dair endişeleri vardır. Kurt mu, yoksa insan mı? * Böyle animasyonları izledikten sonra insanın içi huzurla doluyor. Bittiğinde yüzünüzde hoş bir gülümseme kalıyor aynı Hana gibi


Toprak Uğruna

Toprak Uğruna 2023


Toprak Uğruna, hayat boyu süren hayalinin peşinden koşan Ludvig Kahlen'in hikayesini konu ediyor. 1700'lerin ortalarında, Danimarka Kralı V. Frederik, Jutland'ın vahşi fundalığının evcilleştirilmesi, ekilmesi ve kolonileştirilmesi gerektiğini, böylece uygarlığın yayılabileceğini ve kraliyet ailesi için yeni vergilerin üretilebileceğini ilan eder. Ancak, hiç kimse kralın buyruğuna uymaya cesaret edemez. Ancak 1755 yazının sonlarında, Ludvig von Kahlen adlı yalnız bir asker, hayalinin peşinden koşmaya, kendisine zenginlik ve onur getirmesini umarak fundalığa gitmeye karar verir.


Kripto Vurgun

Kripto Vurgun 2019


Oldukça karmaşık büyük bir yolsuzluk ve dolandırıcılık ağını araştırmakla görevlendirilen ajan Martin, içinde bulundukları zor koşullarda aile çiftliklerini güçlükle ayakta tutmaya çalışan babası Martin Sr. ve kardeşi Caleb’in yaşadığı memleketi New York’a gelir. Ancak Ajan Martin memleketine geldikten çok kısa süre sonra, büyük bir komplo ağını çözmeye başlar ve kendini bir şekilde New York’un tehlikeli yeraltı dünyasının içinde bulur.


Kiss the Ground: Onarıcı Tarım

Kiss the Ground: Onarıcı Tarım 2020


Bilim uzmanları ve ünlü aktivistler, yeryüzündeki toprağın iklim değişikliğiyle mücadele etmek ve gezegeni korumak için nasıl kilit önemde olabileceğini ortaya koyuyor.


Ekmek Kavgası

Ekmek Kavgası 1934


John ve Mary Sims, Büyük Buhran darbesinden etkilenmiş kent sakinleridir; cesaretle (ve çaresizlikle) memleketlerinden kaçarlar ve diğer işçilerin de yardımıyla Edward Gallafent’in öğretilerine dayalı, minik bir sosyalist tarım toplumu kurarlar.


Kanundan Kaçılmaz

Kanundan Kaçılmaz 1961


Karısını öldüren yaralı bir katil Lancashire'da bir çiftliğe sığınır. Burada çiftliğin sahibi 3 çocuk onun İsa Mesih olduğuna inanmaya başlarlar.


Become a Farmer

Become a Farmer 2023


A labor documentary interactive reality show that selects 10 young individuals to form the 'Farming Squad,' which will authentically document their entire process of operating a farm on 142.8 acres of land over 190 days. This includes sowing, irrigating, fertilizing, and harvesting, as well as live-streaming their sales to establish a self-sustaining farmers' market.


Agriculture Angel BARAKI

Agriculture Angel BARAKI 2010


Sanae Baraki is a farmer’s daughter who can see spirits. Every day she works on her field together with spirits to produce the best agricultural goods. However, there is a group that aims to stop her. With the blessing of the earth, she transforms into Agriculture Angel Baraki.


Trails to Oishii Tokyo

Trails to Oishii Tokyo 2019


Delicious food from Tokyo's markets! Learn about the amazing ingredients which are sourced from across Japan and sold at Tokyo's fresh food markets.


That Dirty Black Bag

That Dirty Black Bag 2022


The 8-day clash between Arthur McCoy — an incorruptible sheriff with a troubled past — and Red Bill, an infamous, solitary bounty hunter known for decapitating his victims and stuffing their heads into a dirty black bag.


Farmed and Dangerous

Farmed and Dangerous 2014


Farmed and Dangerous is a four-part webisode comedy series from Chipotle Mexican Grill. This series is a satire of "Big Ag" and "Big Food" practices, featuring the fictional megacorporation Animoil feeding cows petropellets, which are made from petroleum directly rather than indirectly, from the corn and soybean that require so much petroleum products to grow (nitrogen fertilizer is made from the nitrogen present in the air and hydrogen present in natural gas from fracking).


Marginal Village Inc.

Marginal Village Inc. 2015


In a small village in the Kanto regioin, which is surrounded by mountains, residents and a management consultant (Shosuke Tanihara) struggle to rebuild the village through its only industry, farming.


Natsuko no Sake

Natsuko no Sake 1994


Natsuko, who was a copywriter, starts to cultivate rice called Tatsunishiki, which is a phantom kind and it is very difficult to grow. She does it to make her dead brother's dream come true. His dream was to make the...


Tudor Monastery Farm

Tudor Monastery Farm 2013


Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold turn the clock back 500 years to the early Tudor period to become tenant farmers on monastery land.


The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys

The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys 2024


The high-stakes ranching and farming world of McBee Farm & Cattle is on the brink of becoming either a billion-dollar business or a financial disaster.


Farming For Love

Farming For Love 2023


Five Canadians searching for their soulmates open up their farms – and their hearts – to a select group of urban singles. As they live and work together, the daters must adjust to a new lifestyle, and immerse themselves in a series of challenges, group activities, and intimate one-on-one dates with the goal of finding their one true love.


Killing It

Killing It 2022


Craig Foster, a Miami bank security guard, enters a state-sponsored snake-hunting contest to achieve his American dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.


Yummy Yummy Yummy

Yummy Yummy Yummy 1970


A chance encounter brings the Shen family to Yong'an City, where they meet Lin Yan, a magistrate. Their journey unfolds into a whimsical tale of gourmet delights, local traditions, and an unexpected romance.


Victorian Farm

Victorian Farm 2009


Historical observational documentary series following a team who live the life of Victorian farmers for a year.



Countrymen 2021


Four men with dubious plans move to a farm in the countryside. More or less against their will, they end up as the founders of Norway's first halal dairy farm.


Jimmy's Global Harvest

Jimmy's Global Harvest 2010


Jimmy Doherty sets out to discover if the world's farmers will be able to feed us in the future


The Fabulous Beekman Boys

The Fabulous Beekman Boys 2010


The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a reality television show produced in the United States by World of Wonder Productions. The series follows Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his husband Brent Ridge as they learn how to become farmers and launch their lifestyle brand, Beekman 1802. Brent, a physician who previously worked for Martha Stewart Omnimedia, lives at the farm full-time, while Josh, a New York Times bestselling author, commutes from their apartment in New York City on the weekends.


Live To Farm

Live To Farm 2022


It takes a family to raise a farm! This new reality series provides a glimpse into the life and living of America's farm families. They work hard and play even harder.


Trails to Tsukiji

Trails to Tsukiji 2015


"Trails to Tsukiji" is a show that focuses on Japanese food available at Tokyo's iconic Tsukiji Market where every kind of fresh food is gathered from around the country.


Edwardian Farm

Edwardian Farm 2010


Edwardian Farm is an historical documentary TV series in twelve parts, first shown on BBC Two from November 2010 to January 2011. It depicts a group of historians trying to run a farm like it was done during the Edwardian era. It was made for the BBC by independent production company Lion Television and filmed at Morwellham Quay, an historic quay in Devon. The farming team was historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn. The series was devised and produced by David Upshal and directed by Stuart Elliott. The series is a development from two previous series Victorian Farm and Victorian Pharmacy which were among BBC Two's biggest hits of 2009 and 2010, garnering audiences of up to 3.8 million per episode. The series was followed by Wartime Farm in September 2012, featuring the same team but this time in Hampshire on Manor Farm, living a full calendar year as wartime farmers. An associated book by Goodman, Langlands, and Ginn, also titled Edwardian Farm, was published in 2010 by BBC Books. The series was also published on DVD, available in various regional formats.