Die andere Liebe

Die andere Liebe 1989


The only documentary ever made by DEFA on the topic of homosexuality was this public education film commissioned by the Hygiene Museum Dresden and produced in cooperation with East German gay and lesbian activists. In interviews, GDR lesbians and gay men talk openly about their first sexual experiences and coming out. Though the film tries to convey an official GDR acceptance of homosexuality, they also talk about social discrimination against openly gay individuals.



Geschlechtskrankheiten 1982


The film draws attention to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, especially among adolescents and young adults, and identifies partner changes and alcohol as factors that promote the spread. As basic preventive information about the sexually transmitted diseases gonorrhea and syphilis, the film explains symptoms in men and women and possible consequences such as permanent infertility or agonizing infirmity.


Die Haut

Die Haut 1977


Eduactional film about the sensual and erotic nature of skin.



Wechseljahre 1985


The film uses documentary-style scenes, interviews and animated schematic drawings to expose the problems of the menopause as a natural stage of a woman's life, which is predominantly experienced without symptoms, and names individual problems about which Dr. van de Kamp, head of the outpatient clinic in Werder, is interviewed.


Genetische Familienberatung

Genetische Familienberatung 1985


A young couple, whose first child was born with a disability, ask in front of the camera about ways to rule out a disability for the next pregnancy: whether medical care, ultrasound and medication could help. This outlines the typical client profile of family genetic counseling centers, which provide information about the risks of having a child with a neural tube defect, for example. A team of specialists from Leipzig, including a woman, is introduced who invites parents of newborn disabled children to have the disability clarified by family genetics. The diagnostic testing of a disabled infant will be shown. Middle-aged couples who wish to have children are also shown.



Geschlechtsorgane 1983


The first part of the film explains human reproduction, the female and male organs and bodily functions. In the second part, the problem of the increase in sexually transmitted diseases in the context of free sexual contact is mentioned and symptoms are explained. In addition to real film scenes, the commentary film contains microscopic shots, cultural-historical depictions and animated drawings. The film was obviously intended to appeal to young men and adolescents in particular. Part of the Du und deine Gesundheit series.


Zdroj nákazy: Člověk

Zdroj nákazy: Člověk 1985


Adopted from the CSSR, the surreal film deals with the increase in sexually transmitted diseases, especially among young people between the ages of 18 and 25, and presents the problem of sexually transmitted diseases.


Wenn der Richtige kommt

Wenn der Richtige kommt 1988


This educational film is aimed at 12 to 15-year-old boys and girls and depicts the attitudes and experiences of this age group in relation to their first sexual and partner experiences.


Zwei Herzen und ein Schlag

Zwei Herzen und ein Schlag 1988


Through very personal statements by the protagonists, the film provides an insight into the individual form of (romantic) relationships of young heterosexual adults (15 to 19 years old according to the commentary) and, at the end, focuses against the premature acceptance of sexual relationships. It reveals itself to be an interview film with couples who went on a tandem tour together for the film and were "spontaneously willing" to talk about their relationship.


Mit 15 schwanger?

Mit 15 schwanger? 1987


Contraception as a joint task of the couple and the avoidance of pregnancy during adolescence are the subject of the film based on interviews with young people and medical expert statements. Two doctors and a qualified medical practitioner provide information in a club for 15-year-old teenagers.


Mann und Frau intim

Mann und Frau intim 1984


A married couple looks for answers to their sexual problems. Leading GDR sexologist Dr. Siegfried Schnabl gives advice.


Liebe ohne Angst

Liebe ohne Angst 1989


The only AIDS prevention film made in East Germany forefronts discussions with young people and some erotic scenes, while downplaying homosexuality.


...dann antworten Sie mit JA!

...dann antworten Sie mit JA! 1989


The film sheds light on the topic of the high divorce rate among young people in the form of journalistic statements and scenes as well as analytically reflected statements and statements of experience by sociologist Dr. Ursula Hempel, divorced and single mother of two adolescent children, and her cousin, a puppeteer who is also divorced.