Stacy Harris Appointment with Danger His Kind of Woman Brainstorm Dragnet Good Day for a Hanging New Orleans Uncensored The Hunters New Orleans After Dark The Adventures of Superboy The Great Sioux Uprising The Wife Swappers Four for the Morgue It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World The D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill O'Hara, United States Treasury: Operation Cobra Comanche Companions in Nightmare Raintree County The Mountain The Great Sioux Massacre Noon Sunday The Redhead from Wyoming The Brass Legend Cast a Long Shadow Sylvia An American Dream Three Lives Countdown Bloody Mama Countdown First to Fight Black Saddle Ironside Meet McGraw Goodyear Theatre Ghost Story Black Saddle The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp Perry Mason Bonanza Surfside 6 Dragnet Wagon Train Dragnet Honey West Dragnet Adam-12 Dragnet Adam-12 The Untouchables Adam-12 Four Star Playhouse Wagon Train Four Star Playhouse 77 Sunset Strip Bonanza Dragnet Dragnet Wagon Train Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp Tightrope N.O.P.D. Trackdown Temple Houston The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp The Virginian Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans Bearcats! Studio 57 General Electric Theater Dragnet Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre The Alfred Hitchcock Hour The Alfred Hitchcock Hour Perry Mason Perry Mason Dragnet Mannix Bonanza Gunsmoke Dragnet