Osasuri hentai musume

Osasuri hentai musume 1978


After failing his university entrance exams, a young man is now living alone in an apartment in Tokyo. He thinks he has to study, but all the women in the city are attractive, and his thoughts are full of erotic fantasies.


Semi-dokyumento: kankō basu - nure nure jakku

Semi-dokyumento: kankō basu - nure nure jakku 1977


A bus full of tour bus guide trainees is hijacked by two men after pulling over for a bathroom break. Loosely inspired by a 1977 bus jacking that occurred in Nagasaki.


Occult Sex

Occult Sex 1974


An impotent salaryman learns a psychic technique from his boss that can put women under his control. He practices a lot.