Chao-Li Chi Big Trouble in Little China Blodspår Den galne professorn Seeds of Tragedy Damien: The Leper Priest The Archer: Fugitive from the Empire First Family The Joy Luck Club Im Spiegel der Maya Deren Meditation on Violence Still Breathing The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood Jay Leno's Family Comedy Hour Rosetti and Ryan: Men Who Love Women Warriors of Virtue What's Cooking? Extreme Days The Prestige American Dreamz The Nightingale Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story The Master of Disguise Ögonvittnet Open the Door and See all the People Inspector Perez The Big Brawl Meditation on Violence Bob Hope on the Road to China Falcon Crest CHiPs M.A.S.H. Trapper John, M.D. Providence The Single Guy Quincy, M.E. The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries S.W.A.T. Batman: The Animated Series Faerie Tale Theatre Barney Miller Hello, Larry Pushing Daisies