Houseley Stevenson Take One False Step Moonrise Norr om Rio Grande Edge of Doom Vägen utför The Gal Who Took the West The Sun Sets at Dawn Thunder in the Valley Without Reservations Mörk passage Casbah Mord i Hollywood Sierra Djävulsgrottans fånge Lev farligt och dö ung Den låsta dörren Easy Come, Easy Go Oklahoma Annie Spöket och Mrs. Muir Time Out of Mind Isle of Fury The White Angel The Man Who Returned to Life Kidnapped Midnight Court Alla kungens män Bride of Vengeance Four Faces West Once a Doctor Hämndens timme Masked Raiders Happy Land The Wild North Crime Doctor Ramrod The Walking Hills Apartment for Peggy Song of Surrender Smart Woman All That I Have The Adventurous Blonde Rendezvous with Annie Djävulens sjö Leave It to Henry Sorrowful Jones The Challenge The Brasher Doubloon Orkan över Karibiska havet Upp genom luften Darling, How Could You! Calamity Jane and Sam Bass Jeanne d'Arc Native Land Little Miss Big Cheyenne Joe Santa Claus Adventures of Superman