Florence Ryerson Trollkarlen från Oz Everybody Sing Everybody Sing The Casino Murder Case The Reckless Hour Farliga former A Wicked Woman Her First Beau Moonlight Murder Tough Guy Tough Guy Ice Follies Århundradets kriminalgåta This Side of Heaven Easy Come, Easy Go Call of the West Dangerous Females Henry Goes Arizona The Drums of Jeopardy The Kid From Texas Johnny Get Your Hair Cut The Demi-Bride Smooth as Silk The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu Compromised Midnattsmysteriet Hot News Have a Heart The Wizard of Oz on Ice Pointed Heels Adam and Evil Blazing Days Mad Holiday The Drums of Jeopardy Fast Company Vi charmörer On Ze Boulevard The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True Wickedness Preferred