Phil Karlson Ett järn i elden 4 maskerade män Han red för att hämnas Matt Helm - vilken toppagent! Brott i blixtljus Omutliga sheriffen Mördare undanröjes Ond stad Råttorna slår till igen Hell to Eternity Ride the Wild Surf 99 River Street Sista duellen The Secret Ways Framed The Shanghai Cobra Dark Alibi 5 Against the House Hell's Island Swing Parade of 1946 Ladies of the Chorus Kid Galahad Tight Spot Partisanerna Bowery Bombshell Key Witness Tigern från Malaja Wife Wanted They Rode West Sju syndare Live Wires Farlig kvinna Behind the Mask The Missing Lady Mask of the Avenger The Big Cat The Scarface Mob The Young Doctors The Brigand G.I. Honeymoon Lorna Doone Down Memory Lane The Texas Rangers Alexander The Great Rocky Adventures in Silverado The Iroquois Trail There Goes Kelly Thunderhoof Black Gold Kilroy Was Here Det började med Eva A Wave, a WAC and a Marine Dr. Yogami från London In the Navy Manhattan Moon Den osynlige mannens återkomst Louisiana Romance in the Rain Great Expectations Lux Video Theatre Lux Video Theatre Lux Video Theatre Lux Video Theatre