Owen Marks Öster om Eden Casablanca Sierra Madres skatt Lucky Me I'll See You in My Dreams Frisco Kid Panik i gangstervärlden Norr om Rio Grande Kvinnor i fängelse 4 desperados död Den svarta ligan Tracked by the Police Mannen som sålde sitt liv Glödhett Deep Valley Lafayette Escadrille Bright Leaf Too Much, Too Soon Santiago Sincerely Yours Min man har en väninna Convention City Inte vacker men god Old English Sweet Kitty Bellairs Saturday's Children The Working Man Orkan över Karibiska havet While the Patient Slept Confessions of a Nazi Spy Ett drama i New York Nora Prentiss Secrets of an Actress Slim Mammy It's Love I'm After Elisabeth och Essex June Bride Winter Meeting The Girl from 10th Avenue A Lost Lady The Secret Bride Ever in My Heart Alexander Hamilton Wings for the Eagle The Oklahoma Kid The Sins of Rachel Cade The Crash Det började en sommar Divorce Among Friends My Man Trouble Along the Way Disraeli The Midnight Taxi Fancy Baggage We're in the Money Janie Three Sailors and a Girl Love, Honor and Behave The West Point Story The Man Behind The Gun De hängdas träd The Hottentot Pride of the Marines The Tenderfoot Fröken provryttare Sista sommarlovet Gold Is Where You Find It Voltaire The King's Vacation Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison Mission to Moscow Helen's Babies Safe in Hell Escape in the Desert Force of Arms The Man I Love Regnbågsdivisionen Say It with Songs Footsteps in the Dark Affectionately Yours På väg mot Marseille