Herbert Marshall Tjuvar i paradiset Planerat illdåd Dödslistan Flugan Mord The Black Shield of Falworth Duell i solen Utrikeskorrespondenten En röst i dimman Gärningsmannen okänd Den höga muren Blonda Venus The Horror Show The Underworld Story The Weapon Mumsie Five Weeks in a Balloon The Virgin Queen The Secret Garden Wicked as They Come The Enchanted Cottage Till nu och för evigt Four Frightened People Kvinnan utan nåd Ivy Mad About Music Skuggan Ängeln Gog The Good Fairy Brevet Anne of the Indies The Painted Veil Dagen efter When Ladies Meet College Confidential Den vassa eggen The Moon and Sixpence The Caretakers Riders to the Stars A Bill of Divorcement A Woman Rebels The Solitaire Man Vägen till hans hjärta The Third Day Född till stjärna Make Way for a Lady The Letter Flight for Freedom Always Goodbye Mamma gifter sig Brådmogen ungdom Secrets of a Secretary I Was a Spy Outcast Lady Lady Marys älskare Evenings for Sale Accent on Youth Till We Meet Again Zaza Adventure in Washington The Shining Future The Flame Within The Lady Consents The Dark Angel Woman Against Woman Kathleen Black Jack A Fever in the Blood Andy Hardy och blondinerna The Calendar The Faithful Heart Michael and Mary Complicated Women The House That Shadows Built Glömda ansikten December Bride Studio One Alfred Hitchcock presenterar Lux Video Theatre Adventures in Paradise Robert Montgomery Presents Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre Letter to Loretta Adventures in Paradise The George Gobel Show Lux Video Theatre Hong Kong Lux Video Theatre Alfred Hitchcock presenterar 77 Sunset Strip What's My Line? Alfred Hitchcock presenterar