Michael Rudder The Girl Who Hated Books Scanners 2: The New Order Heritage Minutes: Joseph-Armand Bombardier Heritage Minutes: La Bolduc The Moderns Deadly Isolation Nouvelle-France The Yummy Gummy Search for Santa Pluto Nash Entre deux soeurs Cause Of Death The Surrogate Blindside The Real Story of Baa Baa Black Sheep The Real Story of Rain Rain Go Away The Real Story of Itsy Bitsy Spider Perfect Timing Taken Breaking All the Rules Les Iris Alex and the Ghosts The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Mommy Sonia The Lifeforce Experiment Robinson Crusoe Steel Toes Pays Varian's War Mouvements du désir Nightwaves War of the Worlds Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Legend of White Fang Young Robin Hood The Hitchhiker The Little Lulu Show A Miss Mallard Mystery Urban Angel De flygande björnarna War of the Worlds