Rube Miller Tom's Little Star A Coat's Tale A Deaf Burglar He Died and He Didn't Love and Salt Water Her Last Chance Hell's Hole A Thief Catcher Won in a Closet The Gay Lord Quex The Desperate Hero Bombs and Bangs Passions, He Had Three A Bandit Peeping Pete A Muddy Romance Rastus and the Game Cock A Quiet Little Wedding His Sister's Kids Chaplin dansar tango Charlies favoritnöje In the Clutches of the Gang The Chicken Chaser A Fishy Affair Bangville Police Shot in the Excitement The Great Toe Mystery Fatty, Charlie Chaplin och storsmockan Chaplins dollarbrud Charlie spelar tennis The Stolen Booking Picture Pirates The Gusher A Blind Pig The World's Champion Poultry à la Mode Doctoring a Leak The Belles of Liberty His Chum the Baron A Gambling Rube Someone in the House Shot in the Excitement A Coat's Tale The Stolen Booking Picture Pirates He Died and He Didn't Doctoring a Leak Poultry à la Mode