Al Coe Kalle Ankas björnäventyr Kalle Ankas nye granne Piff och Puff och Kalle Anka Nalles fiskafänge Råskinnet Kalle Anka En cowboy å hans häst Kalle Ankas binäring Kalle Anka som björnvaktare Kalle Ankas flygande ekorre Kalle Anka i urskogen Symfoni på stallbacken Eggnapper Clash and Carry Gold Diggin' Woodpecker Tricky Trout Gabby's Diner Bear and the Bees Doc's Last Stand Mother's Little Helper Goose in the Rough Guest Who? Let Charlie Do It Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle Mouse in the House Charlie's Mother-in-Law Foot Brawl Jerky Turkey Cool It, Charlie Charlie in Hot Water Gopher Broke Moochin' Pooch Charlie's Golf Classic Unlucky Potluck Rah Rah Ruckus Charlie's Campout Rocket Racket Rain Rain, Go Away A Fish Story Bugged in a Rug The Goose Is Wild Charlie the Rainmaker The Bungling Builder Window Pains Davey Cricket Chilly Chums Under Sea Dogs Case of the Elephant's Trunk The Case of the Maltese Chicken Freeloading Feline Southern Fried Hospitality Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar god jul Sången om Södern This Is Your Life Donald Duck Bye, Bye, Blackboard Have Gun Can't Travel Galen i Piff och Puff To Spring The Donald Duck Story