Cynthia Webster Hidden Hills People You May Know Manbeast! Myth or Monster? Sex Under Glass The Alchemist Shades of Blue Evil Bong: High-5! Project: Metalbeast Return of the Roller Blade Seven Legend of The Roller Blade Seven It's Showtime Uninvited Evil Bong: High-5! Hidden Hills Blade: The Iron Cross Killjoy's Psycho Circus Killjoy's Psycho Circus The Downside of Bliss Hip Hip Hooray Natten dom räddade jultomten Two of a Kind Oh, God! You Devil Hang Your Dog in the Wind A Nightmare on Drug Street Death Dancers Tuesday Never Comes Pleasure in Paradise Scalps The Roller Blade Seven The Roller Blade Seven Alastor That's Opportunity Knocking Fire in My Heart Ordinary, Extra Bold Stroke Shevenge City Dragon The Seduction of Mary Uninvited Butch Camp A Sensuous Summer Totally Exposed Wishful Thinking The Swindle Someone Else Sex Sex II: Fate Jultomten fixar allt! Angel of Passion That's Opportunity Knocking