Christine Choy Agent Yellow The Exiles Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy The Shot Heard 'Round the World The Shot Heard 'Round the World Teach Our Children Who Killed Vincent Chin? Mississippi Triangle Mississippi Triangle Teach Our Children Teach Our Children From Spikes to Spindles Mississippi Triangle Ha Ha Shanghai Long Story Short Long Story Short Who Killed Vincent Chin? Our Lady of Loreto Homes Apart: Korea The Shot Heard 'Round the World In The Name of the Emperor In The Name of the Emperor Cinema Korea To Love, Honor and Obey The Best Hotel on Skid Row Not A Simple Story; Out in Silence Not A Simple Story; Out in Silence Not A Simple Story; Out in Silence Agent Yellow Agent Yellow Namibia: Independence Now! Homes Apart: Korea Electric Shadow Bittersweet Survival Bittersweet Survival Yellow Tale Blues: Two American Families Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy The Balloonist The Shot Heard 'Round the World Monkey King Looks West Sparrow Village Bittersweet Survival Sa-I-Gu Inside Women Inside ReOrienting Africa: The Chinese in Ghana Homes Apart: Korea A Litany for Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde Rodney King: Koreatown Reacts Rodney King: Koreatown Reacts Inside Women Inside Inside Women Inside