Varulven 1941
Larry Talbot återvänder till sin fars slott i Wales, där han träffar den vackra Jenny. En ödesdiger natt eskorterar Talbot henne till en festival i trakten, där Jennys öde avslöjas av en zigensk spåkvinna.
Larry Talbot återvänder till sin fars slott i Wales, där han träffar den vackra Jenny. En ödesdiger natt eskorterar Talbot henne till en festival i trakten, där Jennys öde avslöjas av en zigensk spåkvinna.
Det sluga vännerna i Tuffa gänget planerar en riskabel halloween-kupp för att stjäla en ovärderlig amulett från en kuslig herrgård. Vad kan gå fel?
I landet Urland har kungen slutit ett avtal med en fruktansvärd drake. Draken lämnar människorna i fred, så länge man ger honom en ungmö i offergåva varje år. När kungens egen dotter står på tur, skickas en trollkarlslärling ut för att ta kål på draken en gång för alla.
Under en resa med sin tyske pojkvän måste Selma konfrontera sina minnen av våldet under kriget i Bosnien och den etniska rensning hennes familj blev utsatt för.
Rufus blir kär i skolans nya tjej som verkar ha en hemlighet. Manny och Page blir misstänksamma men Rufus tror att de fått allt om bakfoten.
En magisk amulett förvandlar Mannys hund Rufus till en människopojke, och det dröjer inte länge förrän de båda vännerna blir de coolaste killarna i plugget.
En ung kvinna sörjer sin fars mystiska död och återvänder till hans stuga ute på landet för att finna ro. Där hittar hon en amulett med mörka krafter kopplat till lokal-häxkonst. Hon forskar vidare om dess ursprung och kommer fram till att amuletten sitter på krafter som kan få alla dina önskningar att gå i uppfyllelse. Men utbyte öppnar hon ovetande upp för dödliga demoner som kommer att förfölja henne. För varje önskan kommer en ondskefull förbannelse att sätt sina spår.
A reckless young man is destined to become the greatest sorcerer the mystical land of Earthsea has ever known.
On Willa Ward’s twelfth birthday, she inherits a beautiful charm necklace that belonged to her mother, who was a witch. She soon learns 2 bad witches, Wilma and Wanda are after her locket so they can have ultimate power, and she alongside her best friends Scout and Lily turn into cats to escape.
Brian Weaver, an online data marketing assistant (even he doesn't know what that is), finds himself abruptly transported to a parallel world, a place of bizarre creatures, magical forces and psychopathic fairies.
Major Gabriel Labrador (Ramon "Bong" Revilla Jr.) is an innately kind and devoted husband and father whose world is suddenly shattered by undeserved suffering and loss. He ventures forth on an epic superhero journey enriched by encompassing themes about love, justice and equality, respect for the environment, and importance of friends and family. Each chapter of his exciting quest reverberates with admirable Filipino traits and values.
Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla presents Pepeng Agimat, more popularly known as simply Pepeng Agimat was the second installment of the Philippine weekly mini-series Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla aired by ABS-CBN that started November 7, 2009 and ended on February 27, 2010. The character of Pepeng Agimat is portrayed by Jolo Revilla.
A blind young man gets hold of an amulet that makes him a deadly sharpshooter—-a special power he uses to help those in need.
ABS-CBN presents Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla is a series based on the movies of Ramon Revilla Sr. of the 90's and 00's, which features the Filipino cultural belief in the powers of an agimat or amulet. The milieu of the characters and stories are primarily set in Cavite province where the belief in amulets remains strong to this day. The Agimat series will comprise four titles. Tiagong Akyat is played by Gerald Anderson wherein he has superhuman strength, speed, and the ability to climb high walls through his amulet that makes him invincible. Tonyong Bayawak is played by Coco Martin and has the abilities and characteristics of the bayawak. Elias Paniki is played by Jake Cuenca who will have the quest to kill vampires. Pepeng Agimat is played by Jolo Revilla, who will fulfill the mission of killing of the aswang or a monster. But during Season 2, it is now transform into an afternoon mini-series as part of Haponstatic block. Bianong Bulag is played by Jason Abalos a blind young man gets hold of an amulet that makes him a deadly sharpshooter a special power he uses to help those in need. Kapitan Inggo is played again by Jolo Revilla which has the power to ward off bullets and conquer his enemies.