Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga 2020
Två småstadssångare tar chansen att uppfylla drömmen om att delta i världens största musiktävling. Med Will Ferrell och Rachel McAdams.
Två småstadssångare tar chansen att uppfylla drömmen om att delta i världens största musiktävling. Med Will Ferrell och Rachel McAdams.
Handlar om pojken Karl som växt upp i Hvide Sande tillsammans med sin mamma, mormor och morfar. Det kommer därför som en chock när hans mamma talar om för honom att de måste flytta till Köpenhamn. Karl börjar på en skola i Nørrebro, där 80 procent av barnen är tvåspråkiga. Tonen är hård och omställningen är svår, så Karl börjar planera sin flykt tillbaka till Hvide Sande.
Efter ABBA:s historiska vinst i Brighton 1974 är det upp till vinnarlandet att arrangera tävlingen året därpå. SVT har aldrig gjort något liknande och i landet finns en högljudd opinion mot den så kallade EM-schlagern. Som protest anordnar de mest högljudda kritikerna en egen alternativ musikfestival. Samtidigt är säkerhetsläget spänt, ekonomin går kräftgång, landet befinner sig i en brytningstid. Den här dokumentären skildrar den svenska schlagerstriden i mitten av 1970-talet, långt innan landet blev en stormakt i schlagereuropa.
The annual music competition organised by Swedish public broadcasters Sveriges Television and Sveriges Radio to determine the country's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Dora is Croatia's national selection for Eurovision.
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is an annual music competition organised by Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio, which determines the country's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest. The festival has produced three Eurovision winners and thirteen top-five placings.
Song contest organized by Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) to select the Serbian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Music competition organised by Icelandic public broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) to determine its entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
„Eurovizijos dainų konkurso nacionalinė atranka“ is the national final to select the Lithuanian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Eesti Laul is the national final in order to select the Estonian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Melodi Grand Prix is an annual music competition organised by Norwegian public broadcaster Norsk Rikskringkasting. It determines the country's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest, and has been staged almost every year since 1960. The festival has produced three Eurovision winners and nine top-five placings for Norway at the contest. However, Norway holds the record for the number of entries who have come last since entering Eurovision; 11 in all. Despite this, the competition still makes considerable impact on music charts in Norway, and in other Nordic countries, with the 2008 winner topping the Norwegian charts.
Music entertainment show used as the Armenian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Yevrobachennia Natsionalnyi Vidbir (often shortened to Vidbir) has served as Ukraine's national selection for Eurovision since 2016.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (abbreviated UMK) is an annual music contest organised by the Finnish public broadcaster Yle. UMK began in 2012 as a new concept for the Finnish selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, replacing the original Finnish Eurovision Song Contest qualifying event (Suomen euroviisukarsinta) which had been held since 1961.
Eurosong was the Flemish selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. It selected the Belgian entry to the Contest every second year. The last Eurosong was in 2008. Due the good result of Tom Dice in 2010, who was chosen internally, the VRT decided to cancel Eurosong.
A long-running music competition that debuted in 1962 and has provided Albania's representative for Eurovision since 2004.
The Junior Eurovision Song Contest, often shortened to JESC, Junior Eurovision or Junior EuroSong, is a song competition which has been organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) annually since 2003 and is open exclusively to broadcasters that are members of the EBU. It is held in a different European city each year, however the same city can host the contest more than once.
National final format organised by RTCG to select its entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Four loud kids, the biggest festival stages in the world, thousands of screaming fans. Get on the road with us, rockin’ Europe, America, Asia and our home too, Italy. This is Måneskin.
The national competition to select San Marino's Eurovision entry.
Graham Norton hosts the annual search for a singer or group to represent the United Kingdom at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Serbian music festival used as the national selection for Serbia's representative at the Eurovision Song Contest.
In May 2017, "Amar Pelos Dois", in the voice of Salvador Sobral, gave Portugal its first victory at the Eurovision Song Contest. It was the opposite of the song "festivaleira" but, in the voice of a charismatic and different interpreter between the different ones, the composition of Luísa Sobral made history.