Red Rocket

Red Rocket 2021


En före-detta porrstjärna återvänder till sin lilla hemstad i Texas, trots att det inte riktigt verkar som att någon vill ha honom tillbaka.


Ballad om en soldat

Ballad om en soldat 1959


Filmen utspelar sig under andra världskriget, där 19-årige Röda armésoldaten Aljosja har fått sex dagars permission som belöning för att han, mer eller mindre av en slump, lyckats slå ut två tyska stridsvagnar. Han ska försöka hinna hem för att hjälpa sin mor att laga taket. Han färdas på landsbygden och blir vittne till krigets ödeläggelse. Han möter en mängd personer. Då han reser med ett godståg blir han förälskad i Sjura. Filmen kretsar kring temat kärlek - den romantiska kärleken hos ett ungt par, den trygga kärleken hos ett gift par, och en moders kärlek till sitt barn.


Other People

Other People 2016


Kärleken och karriären i New York går knackigt, men han gör sitt bästa för att hålla skenet uppe när han flyttar hem till Sacramento för att ta hand om sin döende mamma.


Our Christmas Love Song

Our Christmas Love Song 2019


Romantisk julfilm om artisten Melody Jones som blir oskyldigt anklagad för att ha plagierat sin nya julsång, som hon skrev med sin pappa som tonåring. Hon återvänder till sin hemstad för att leta bevis och återser både familjen och sin gamla kärlek.


Over the Garden Wall

Over the Garden Wall 2014


Two brothers, Wirt and Greg, find themselves lost in the Unknown; a strange forest adrift in time. With the help of a wise old Woodsman and a foul-tempered bluebird named Beatrice, Wirt and Greg must travel across this strange land, in hope of finding their way home. Join them as they encounter surprises and obstacles on their journey through the wood.


Playing House

Playing House 2014


A single-camera buddy comedy about what happens when two best friends come back together, just when they need each other most. Inspired by the ultra-close friendship between the series' creators and stars, "Playing House" centers on mother to-be Maggie who asks her single and career-driven best friend Emma to return home from her job overseas to attend her baby shower, having no idea what’s truly in store.


The X-Dormitory

The X-Dormitory 2014


Xiong Ge starts a new life following the disappearance of her sons and ex-husband. She opens a hostel called The X-Dormitory, in which she treats her tenants like her family. When Room 206 mysteriously appears out of no where and out walks her ex-husband, she gets a terrible feeling in her gut that something bad is about to happen.


Too Close to Home

Too Close to Home 2016


A young woman is forced to return to her trailer-park beginnings after her political career is derailed by a sex scandal.


Hello Mother, Goodbye!

Hello Mother, Goodbye! 1974


In this unsold 1974 television pilot, a successful engineer tires of his high-tension job and quits to start his own mail-order company, much to his mother's consternation.


Station Horizon

Station Horizon 2015


The story of an Americana-obsessed Swiss valley community fighting for survival against the threat of modern society. To honor his recently deceased father, Joris returns on parole to the Wild West atmosphere of Horizonville, immediately finding himself face-to-face with demons from his past: his brother, Charly, his childhood rival, Raymond, and Latin beauty, Cheyenne.