Get Out

Get Out 2017


När en ung man besöker sin flickväns familjegods inser han snart att hennes familj har lömska avsikter med sin inbjudan. Till en början tolkar Chris familjens överdrivet tillmötesgående beteende som ett nervöst sätt att hantera dotterns etniskt blandade förhållande. Men en rad märkliga upptäckter under helgen leder honom till en upptäckt han aldrig kunnat föreställa sig.


Plötsligt i somras

Plötsligt i somras 1959


Året är 1937. I New Orleans planerar en rik änka att finansiera byggnationen av ett sjukhus. Motkravet är att man lobotomerar hennes systerdotter Catherine, som har tappat förståndet under mystiska förhållanden.


Den fantastiska resan

Den fantastiska resan 1966


En diplomat undkommer ett mordförsök. För att rädda honom krymps en ubåt och en grupp medicinska forskare till mikroskopisk storlek och injiceras i mannens blod. De har just börjat sin resa när de upptäcker att de har en sabotör ombord.


The Penalty

The Penalty 1920


Maffiabossen Blizzard fick sina ben amputerade i onödan och nu tänker han hämnas på läkaren som utförde amputationen.



Severance 2022


Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs.


Dr. Brain

Dr. Brain 2021


Brilliant brain scientist Sewon suffers a horrific personal tragedy. Desperate to uncover what happened to his family, he conducts "brain syncs" with the dead to access their memories for clues.



Brain 2011


Lee Gang Hun is a brilliant brain surgeon who will do anything for success. Haunted by the hardships he had growing up including his father’s death, he’s filled with ambition and hopes to prove himself to be the best when it comes to neurosurgery. Gang Hun’s arrogance and selfishness remind Professor Sang Cheol, the best brain surgeon at Chunha University Hospital, of his younger days. San Chul is an empathetic doctor who cares highly about his patients, and dislikes Gang Hun’s approach, but ultimately decides to mentor him, as the two are connected by a secret past. On the other hand, Gang Hun’s rival Jun Seok comes from a family of doctors who have always supported him. Despite this, Jun Seok has always felt inferior to Gang Hun. On top of that, his crush has feelings for Gang Hun instead of him. This is the story of three rival doctors at a prestigious hospital as they navigate their struggles, ambitions, and each other.


Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery

Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery 2008


From the pioneering work of Galen on Roman gladiators to the latest advances in plastic surgery, this five-part series illustrates the evolution of surgical techniques—a story as much of mishaps and misadventures as it is of successes and amazing advances. Filmed in America and Europe and presented by the charismatic and medically trained Michael J. Mosley. Contains surgical scenes of a graphic nature. A BBC Production. 5-part series.


Brain Hospital: Saving Lives

Brain Hospital: Saving Lives 2013


Documentary series which follows patients at the Walton Centre in Liverpool as they undergo brain surgery.