The Lie

The Lie 2018


När deras tonårsdotter erkänner till att ha dödat sin bästa vän, försöker de två desperata föräldrarna att täcka det hemska brottet med en rad lögner.


Tre män och en baby

Tre män och en baby 1987


Ungkarlarna Peter, Michael och Jack har bra jobb och lever ett sorglöst liv. Festerna avlöser varandra och och flickvännerna kommer och går. Nu möter de tjejen i deras liv. Hon heter Mary och är sex månader gammal och hon ändrar deras liv.


Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It 2010


Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) är en lovande matleverantör i cateringbranschen och Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) är en lika lovande sportchef på en TV station. Efter en katastrofal första date är det enda ha har gemensamt att de ogillar varandra samt att de båda älskar sin gemensamma guddotter Sophie. Men när de oväntat och plötsligt blir de enda Sophie har i hela världen, måste Holly och Eric lägga sina olikheter åt sidan. De måste lära sig jonglera sina karriärsambitioner och kolliderande sociala kalendrar, så att de kan hitta en gemensam grund att stå på medan de bor under samma tak.


Lights Out

Lights Out 2016


När Rebecca växte upp var hon aldrig riktigt säker på vad som var verkligt och inte då lamporna släckts. När hon flyttade hemifrån trodde hon att hon lämnat rädslan bakom sig. Hennes lillebror Martin upplever dock samma oförklarliga och hemska saker som tärde på hennes psyke som liten. Ett skrämmande väsen som har en mystisk sammankoppling med hennes mamma, har återkommit. Men denna gång närmar sig Rebecca sanningen och det finns ingen tvekan om att alla deras liv är i fara... när lamporna släcks.



Lamm 2021


Fårfarmarna María och Ingvar lever isolerade på en isländsk gård. När de hittar en mystisk nyfödd på sin mark bestämmer de sig för att uppfostra den som sin egen, ett beslut som kommer att skänka dem mycket lycka, men det blir också början till ödeläggelsen av deras liv.



Fatherhood 2021


En nybliven pappa och änkling kämpar med tvivel, rädslor, hjärtesorg och smutsiga blöjor när han uppfostrar sin dotter på egen hand. Bygger på en sann historia.


Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife

Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife 2018


Två år efter sin bejublade ståuppspecial Baby Cobra är Ali Wong tillbaka med ännu en babybula, och en strid ström av underhållande sanningar om äktenskap och moderskap.


The Keeping Hours

The Keeping Hours 2017


10 år efter deras sons död, återförenas plötsligt ett skilt par av övernaturliga händelser som ger dem en chans till förlåtelse.


The Boys Are Back

The Boys Are Back 2009


När hans fru går bort i cancer blir Joe Warr, en brittisk sportjournalist i Australien, ensam med sin sexårige son och sin tonårige son från ett tidigare äktenskap. Livet närmar sig kaos.


She's Having a Baby

She's Having a Baby 1988


Jake och Kristy Briggs är nygifta. Eftersom de är unga är de oförberedda på allt vad äktenskapet innebär och allt som förväntas av dem - inte minst av deras föräldrar. Vill de ha barn? Det vill i alla fall deras föräldrar att de ska.


Två pappor för mycket

Två pappor för mycket 1997


Jack Lawrence är en hjälpsam advokat. Dale Putley är en flamsig småskribent. De har absolut ingenting gemensamt - tills en av deras gamla flickvänner påstår att de båda är pappa till hennes förrymde, tonårige son. Nu måste de samarbeta för att leta rätt på pojken. Remake av ett franskt original från 1983.



Trying 2020


All Nikki and Jason want is a baby—the one thing they can't have. So they decide to adopt. With their dysfunctional friends, screwball families, and chaotic lives, will the adoption panel agree that they're ready to be parents?


Dead to Me

Dead to Me 2019


A hotheaded widow searching for the hit-and-run driver who mowed down her husband befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems.


Workin' Moms

Workin' Moms 2017


Four women juggle love, careers, and parenthood. They support, challenge, and try not to judge each other as life throws them curveballs. Whether it is an identity crisis, a huge job opportunity, postpartum depression, or an unplanned pregnancy – they face both the good and bad with grace and humour.



Catastrophe 2015


Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan write and star in a comedy that follows an American man and an Irish woman who make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in London.


The Bernie Mac Show

The Bernie Mac Show 2001


The Bernie Mac Show is an American sitcom that aired on Fox for five seasons from November 14, 2001 to April 14, 2006. The series featured comic actor Bernie Mac and his wife Wanda raising his sister's three kids: Jordan, Bryana, and Vanessa.


Still Standing

Still Standing 2002


After 18 years of marriage, high school sweethearts Bill and Judy Miller still make each other laugh and try to keep their marriage intact, even when their family pulls them in different directions. Since Bill has a far more immature approach to marriage and raising their three children than Judy does, they work at striking a balance and remembering why they love each other, quirks and all.


Up All Night

Up All Night 2011


An irreverent look at parenthood through the point of view of an acerbic working mother, along with her stay-at-home husband and opinionated parents.



thirtysomething 1987


Thirtysomething is an American television drama about a group of baby boomers in their late thirties. It was created by Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick for MGM/UA Television Group and The Bedford Falls Company, and aired on ABC. It premiered in the U.S. on September 29, 1987. It lasted four seasons, with the last of its 85 episodes airing on May 28, 1991. The title of the show was designed as thirtysomething by Kathie Broyles, who combined the words of the original title, Thirty Something. In 1997, "The Go Between" and "Samurai Ad Man" were ranked #22 on TV Guide′s 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time. In 2002, Thirtysomething was ranked #19 on TV Guide′s 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time, and in 2013 TV Guide ranked it #10 in its list of The 60 Greatest Dramas of All Time.


A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring

A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring 2024


After a god accidentally slays him, Takumi’s reborn with new skills in a monster-filled forest where he stumbles upon twins. They’re sweet, adorable, and super strong! Won over instantly, he names them Alan and Elena, becomes their guardian, and joins an adventurers’ guild to provide for his new family. And so starts his chill life of adventure, watching over Alan and Elena’s growth!


The Talk

The Talk 2010


A panel of well-known news and entertainment personalities discussing current events, pop culture, contemporary issues, family, celebrity and the trending topics of the day.



Pramface 2012


Pramface is a BBC Three television comedy series starring Scarlett Alice Johnson, Sean Michael Verey, Ben Crompton, Bronagh Gallagher, Anna Chancellor and Angus Deayton. Written by Chris Reddy and produced by BBC/Little Comet, the six-part first series commenced transmission on 23 February 2012. The second series began on 8 January 2013, with the first episode 60 minutes long, as a special, and the remainder of the series consisted of the usual 30 minute episodes. The second series concluded on 19 February 2013. A third series was confirmed on 29 April 2013.


He's Expecting

He's Expecting 2022


When a successful ad executive who's got it all figured out becomes pregnant, he's forced to confront social inequities he'd never considered before.


Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl 2015


A romantic comedy about the unexpected relationship between Judy and Leo, a 40-something transgender woman and a down on his luck, 26-year-old man. Differences mean nothing if love means everything.



Parachute 2024


Shanmugam does not spare the rod and spoil his children. But despite his strict nature, they go on a joyride on his bike and get lost. What will he do now?



TheDadLab 2020


Join Sergei Urban in discovering fun and easy science experiments and creative art projects that any parent can do with their kids at home. No special supplies or knowledge is required! Perfect for busy moms and dads looking to get children interested in science while spending quality time together and creating memories.


Day by Day

Day by Day 1988


Day by Day is an American sitcom starring Douglas Sheehan, Linda Kelsey, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Courtney Thorne-Smith, and Thora Birch. Day by Day was telecast from February 29, 1988, through June 25, 1989, on NBC.


Format familial

Format familial 2014


Hosts Bianca Gervais and Sébastien Diaz offer inspiring encounters with colorful families, sound advice, and winning recipes to make family life easier.


Beautiful Loser

Beautiful Loser 2016


Julien, a 31 year old man who is everything else but grown-up. Without a job and without money has he just been more or less forced to move back home to his mom in his home town. Back there he happens to meet his first young love, Marie who works as a teacher at their old college. She reveals a secret, that well, sets a new point in his life. We get to follow this kindhearted irresponsible man that struggles through his daily life which never seems to go his way.


Haha Bus

Haha Bus 2023


Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who have unique charms and colors, go on a bus trip. As Song, the youngest, brightens up the mood, the entire family shows off cheerful vibes. Haha's family gathers on a show for the first time, then repairs the old bus and names it "HaHa Bus" to start traveling all around the country. Let us join the memorable bus trip with Haha’s family and see how they communicate with various neighbors, eat delicious food, and make unforgettable family memories that will be remembered for the rest of their life.