Lillian Schwartz The Artist and the Computer Raymond Roussel : le jour de gloire Pangloss Olympiad Pixillation UFOs Veil of Years Mutations Googolplex Apotheosis Mis-Takes Affinities OHM+: The Early Gurus Of Electronic Music : 1948–1980 L'oiseau La Spiritata Newtonian II Fantasies Alae Mathoms Newtonian I Bagatelles Pictures from a Gallery Kinesis Mayan Metathesis Innocence Metamorphosis Enigma Collage Papillons Mirage Galaxies Reflections The Museum of Modern Art Metamorphosis Beyond Picasso Morphing of the Telephone Rituel Morphing of the Telephone Morphing of the Telephone UFOs On-Line The Artist and the Computer Poet of His People Poet of His People Poet of His People 3° K #2 Before Before Trois Visage Nino Experiments Mime Control Ensemble #2 Juggler Ensemble #1 Dancer 2 Exquisite Motions EXALT Mood Changes 3-D Exotic Xtreme Sightings NUMÉROS Tacit Expressions Lily's Sea X-STRIA2 The Beauty of Excess Expressive Shapes RGBCMY X-STRIA1 Twirlinx AZTEC Some of My Best Friends Are...