Bernard Freericks The Snows of Kilimanjaro Broken Arrow Cleopatra Come to the Stable Моје песме, моји снови A Man Called Peter Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo A Yank in the R.A.F. Pigskin Parade Justine Castle in the Desert The Bravados Return of the Fly The Sand Pebbles No Way Out The Big Noise The River's Edge Lifeboat The Ghost and Mrs. Muir The Conqueror Life Begins at Eight-Thirty $10 Raise Fallen Angel The Lady Escapes Yellow Sky Река без повратка Anna and the King of Siam Carousel 23 Paces to Baker Street Powder River Robbers' Roost I Wake Up Screaming Western Union A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte American Guerrilla in the Philippines Esclavas de la moda Fantastic Voyage The Late George Apley A Hatful of Rain Hangover Square Dancing in the Dark Не мораш да куцаш Tender Is the Night Love Nest The Golden West Call Me Madam What a Way to Go! Misty La ley del harem Rough Romance M*A*S*H The Sun Also Rises