Evan Hunter The Chronology Protection Case I Am Alfred Hitchcock The Trouble with 'Marnie' Птице Fuzz Fuzz 天国と地獄 Blackboard Jungle Cop Hater Three Blind Mice The Pusher Strangers When We Meet Strangers When We Meet Walk Proud Mister Buddwing Last Summer Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Ice Short cuts : Les oiseaux d'Alfred Hitchcock The Mugger Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Lightning Les liens de sang La Soupe aux poulets The Young Savages Every Little Crook and Nanny The Legend of Walks Far Woman Highest 2 Lowest Panenka The Birds Sans mobile apparent 幸福 天国と地獄 Легкий заработок Wogan Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents