David Valdes Tightrope Walking the Mile Beyond the 'Open Range' Clint Eastwood's West Walking the Mile: The Making of The Green Mile Eastwood & Co.: Making 'Unforgiven' Clint Eastwood: The Man from Malpaso Unforgiven Зелена миља Open Range The Time Machine The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Pink Cadillac Црна листа The Book of Eli The Rookie Bird На линији ватре A Perfect World Like Father Like Son Ја сам четврти Paul Rodriguez & Friends: Comedy Rehab The Stars Fell on Henrietta Аватар: Пут воде The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Предивна створења White Hunter, Black Heart Unforgiven Аватар: Пут воде Point Break Walking the Mile Алита: Борбени анђео Pink Cadillac Magija lepog ostrva Turbulence A Perfect World Виртуелна свест Бледолики јахач Ratboy Rumble Fish Бледолики јахач Hammett Gardens of Stone Tightrope Gardens of Stone