
Веридба 2009


Када схвати да јој прети депортовање у родну Канаду, Маргарет, успешни њујоршки издавач књига, објављује да је верена за свог асистента Ендруа, који о томе нема појма и кога она већ годинама малтретира. Он пристаје да учествује у тој превари, али има и неколико својих захтева. Пар креће на Аљаску код његове чудне породице, где ће се градска девојка која увек држи све конце у својим рукама наћи у низу комичних ситуација. С неочекиваним венчањем и имиграционим службеником за петама, Маргарет и Ендру ће се нерадо заветовати да ће се држати плана, без обзира на озбиљност последица.


Битка за Пацифик

Битка за Пацифик 2013


Кад легије монструозних створења по имену каију почну да излазе из мора, почиње рат који ће однети милионе живота и исцрпети људске ресурсе. За борбу против огромних каијуа, дизајнирано је специјално оружје: огромни роботи звани џегери, које симултано контролишу два пилота, чији су мозгови спојени неуралним мостом. Али чак ни џегери не успевају да се одбране од немилосрдних каијуа. На ивици пораза, силе које бране човечанство немају избора осим да позову двоје невероватниих јунака - бившег пилота и кадеткињу на обуци - који треба да управљају легендарним, али изузетно застарелим џегером из прошлости. Они су последња нада човечанства које се бори против надолазеће апокалипсе.


Симпсонови на филму

Симпсонови на филму 2007


Заплет филма заснован је на еколошкој катастрофи коју је изазвао Хомер Симпсон неодговорним бацањем отпада у спрингфилдско језеро. Спрингфилд је и иначе најзагађенија средина у земљи, а Хомеров чин је кап која прелива чашу па председник Шварценегер, по наговору директора ЕПА ( Агенција за заштиту околине), доноси одлуку да цео град стави у карантин (под куполу) и тиме спречи проширење загађења на целу земљу.


30 дана ноћи

30 дана ноћи 2007


Филм је заснован према истоименој мини серији стрипова, а радња се одвија у малом успаваном граду на Аљасци који се налази у мраку 30 узастопних дана. Из таме ће се појавити зло које ће становнике градића бацити на колена. Једина нада за град су шериф и његова жена, који морају да се боре за свој опстанак док истовремено спашавају град који воле.



Togo 2019



Сусрети четврте врсте

Сусрети четврте врсте 2009


1972. године донесене су мере опреза код сусрета с ванземаљцима. Откриће НЛО-а назива се сусретом прве врсте. Прикупљање доказа познато је као сусрет друге врсте. Контакт с ванземаљцима означава сусрет треће врсте. Следећа фаза, отмица, назива се четвртом врстом. Тренутно је најопасније на Аљасци, где је из године у годину знатан број популације проглашено несталима. Упркос константним истрагама ФБИ-а, истина о њиховом нестанку никад није откривена. У овој усамљеној регији, психолог Др. Абигејл Тајлер почела је снимати сеансе с трауматизованим пацијентима и потпуно случајно откривати неке од најузнемиравајућих доказа ванземаљских отмица икада



Несаница 2002


Искусни полицијски детектив Вил Дормер (А. Паћино) долази са партнером, детективом Екартом (М. Донован) у градић на Аљасци како би решио случај убиства тинејџерке. У истрази му помаже локална полиција, нарочито млада детективка Ели Бур (Х. Свонк) која је фасцинирана Дормеровом репутацијом. Хватајући осумњиченика по магли, Дормер рањава свог партнера, а затим одлучује да то заташка. Међутим, бегунац га позива телефоном и саопштава му да је видео шта се догодило те му нуди нагодбу: он неће открити да је Дормер убио партнера, а Дормер ће одустати од његовог прогона и кривицу свалити на момка убијене девојке...


Mountain Men

Mountain Men 2012


Profiles of some of the men who choose to live off the grid in the unspoiled wilderness, where dangers like mudslides, falling trees and bears are all part of everyday life.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


Life Below Zero

Life Below Zero 2013


Viewers go deep into an Alaskan winter to meet six tough and resilient residents as they try to stay one step ahead of storms and man-eating beasts to make it through to spring. The closest neighbor to Sue Aikens is more than 300 miles away. Eric Salitan subsists solely on what he hunts and forages. Chip and Agnes Hailstone catch fish for currency in bartering for supplies, and Andy and Kate Bassich use their pack of sled dogs for transportation.


Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch 2005


Forty-foot waves, 700 pound crab pots, freezing temperatures and your mortality staring you in the face…it's all in a day's work for these modern day prospectors. During each episode we will watch crews race to meet their quota and make it home safely.


Northern Exposure

Northern Exposure 1990


After receiving a scholarship from the state, a recent Columbia University medical school graduate is required to set up his practice in an eccentric Alaskan town.


Alaskan Bush People

Alaskan Bush People 2014


Deep in the Alaskan wilderness lives a newly discovered family who was born and raised wild. Billy Brown, his wife Ami and their seven grown children – 5 boys and 2 girls – are so far removed from civilization that they often go six to nine months of the year without seeing an outsider. They’ve developed their own accent and dialect, refer to themselves as a "wolf pack," and at night, all nine sleep together in a one-room cabin. Simply put, they are unlike any other family in America. Recently, according to the Browns, the cabin where they lived for years was seized and burned to the ground for being in the wrong location on public land.


The Alaskans

The Alaskans 1959


The Alaskans is a 1959-1960 ABC/Warner Brothers western television series set during the late 1890s in the port of Skagway, Alaska. The show features Roger Moore as "Silky Harris" and Jeff York as "Reno McKee", a pair of adventurers intent on swindling travelers bound for the Yukon Territories during the height of the Klondike Gold Rush. Their plans are inevitably complicated by the presence of singer "Rocky Shaw", "an entertainer with a taste for the finer things in life". The show was the first regular work on American television for the British actor Roger Moore.


Railroad Alaska

Railroad Alaska 2013


Following an elite crew of workers-- brakemen, engineers, construction crews, mechanics and train drivers – Railroad Alaska illustrates the battle against ferocious weather and treacherous terrain to keep the State of Alaska’s critical 500-mile long railroad rolling to deliver life sustaining supplies. From controlled avalanches to prevent catastrophe, to fascinating characters, like Jim James, the one-handed handy man, learn what it takes to keep this train on track.


Men in Trees

Men in Trees 2006


Relationship coach Marin Frist knows what to look for, what to avoid and what will make her happy. As the many fans of her two bestselling books could tell you, we're all in charge of our own happiness. But like many people full of advice, she fails to apply it to herself. On her way to a speaking engagement in Alaska, she learns that her fiancé has cheated on her. Slapped in the face with personal failure, a snowstorm then leaves her stuck in a small town full of the one thing she really doesn't need—available men.


Bering Sea Gold

Bering Sea Gold 2012


In the frontier town of Nome, Alaska, there’s a gold rush on. But you've never seen gold mining like this before — here, the precious metal isn't found in the ground. It’s sitting in the most unlikely of places: the bottom of the frigid, unpredictable Bering Sea. And there are a handful of people willing to risk it all to bring it to the surface.


Alaska: The Last Frontier

Alaska: The Last Frontier 2011


Centers on the Kilcher family and their community outside Homer, Alaska. Begun by patriarch Yule Kilcher who immigrated from Europe during WWII, and currently led by his sons, Otto and Atz Kilcher (singer Jewel's father) the family have lived on their land for four generations. The show also features the homesteaders who live nearby and interact with the Kilchers.



Outlast 2023


In the extreme Alaskan wild, 16 survivalists compete for a chance to win a massive cash prize — but these lone wolves must be part of a team to win.


The Last Alaskans

The Last Alaskans 2015


In 1980, the U.S. government banned new human occupation in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, a protected area, home to thousands of native animals and pristine terrain spanning roughly the size of South Carolina. Currently, only a handful of families spread across seven permitted cabins are allowed to remain in the refuge. Within less than 100 years, all remaining permits will reach expiration, and there will be no human presence left.



Kodiak 1974


Kodiak is a short lived, half-hour adventure program that aired Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m Eastern time on ABC during the 1974-1975 television season. The show revolved around the main character of Cal "Kodiak" McKay, an Alaska State Trooper. Kodiak, always accompanied by his Eskimo sidekick Abraham Lincoln Imhook, used his four-wheel drive truck to track down desperate killers through 50,000 miles of Alaska backcountry. The show was broadcast against NBC's mega-hit Sanford and Son. Kodiak couldn't lure viewers in to watch and was cancelled after the first episode, although a total of four episodes were aired. The show was filmed in Bend, Oregon Using the Old Skyliners Ski Lodge as the primary Meeting Place.


Port Protection Alaska

Port Protection Alaska 2015


Port Protection is home to the few who have left behind normal society and chosen a different life in a remote Alaskan community, where survival of the individuals and community cannot sustain without the other. The stakes are high. The land is rugged and unforgiving and the seas which surround Port Protection are cold and merciless. With risk comes a reward more profound than mere survival: a world of beauty and freedom with the security of community and without the constraints of bureaucracy. In Port Protection there are no clear roads to survival, inhabitants must carve one themselves.


Yukon Gold

Yukon Gold 2013


Five family-run mining camps risk everything in the hope of hitting the paystreak. Working grueling days under the midnight sun, the crews give it their all to battle the elements ... and each other.


The Last Frontier

The Last Frontier 1970


When a prison transport plane crashes in the remote Alaskan wilderness—freeing dozens of violent inmates—the region's lone marshal must protect the town he's vowed to keep safe.


Ultimate Survival Alaska

Ultimate Survival Alaska 2013


They are some of the toughest, most extreme survivalists from across the nation. In the second season of Ultimate Survival Alaska, four teams - woodsmen, mountaineers, military veterans, and endurance athletes go head-to-head in an epic arctic competition that only National Geographic could inspire.


Alaska Revelada

Alaska Revelada 2024


'Alaska Revelada' is an approach to the artist's personal and professional life from a place of intimacy until now unknown. The metamorphosis of a pop icon who has not stopped reinventing himself throughout the different stages of his life. Always an advocate of transforming her body to also build her interior, in 'Salud' we explore what the journey has been like since she was a child to achieve a physical and spiritual transformation. In 'Money' we travel through the vast professional life of Alaska, full of high points of fame and money, as well as absolute economic ruins. In 'Amor' we structure Olvido's relationships with the other. The figure of his father, his relationship with his former manager Pito Cubillas, his great friendship with Nacho Canut and the great love of his life, Mario Vaquerizo. A documentary series articulated like a bolero along three concepts that define all human life: health, money and love.


Buying Alaska

Buying Alaska 2012


“Buying Alaska” proves that forgoing basic amenities is a reasonable tradeoff when it comes to breathtaking views and stunning wild surroundings that you can't find anywhere in the lower 48 states. Offering much more than living quarters, these properties are so in tune with the extraordinary landscape that it's often what's beyond the house that proves to be the main attraction - from the ability to hunt and fish from a back deck, to extreme seclusion on your own private island, to self-sustaining features such as smokehouses and greenhouses. However, there are also dangers that come with all the beauty, and living in this rugged and remote terrain can lead to animal attacks and brutal winters that cut you off from society.