Мрачна кула

Мрачна кула 2017


Последњи витешки ратник, Роланд Дескајн налази се у борби са Валтером О'Димом такође познатим и под именом Човек у црном, одлучан да спречи уништење МРАЧНЕ КУЛЕ која у равнотежи одржава комплетан наш универзум. Док судбина светова виси на танком концу, добро и зло сукобиће се у ултимативној борби у којој једино Роланд има моћ да одбрани Кулу од Човека у црном.


Битка за Пацифик: Побуна

Битка за Пацифик: Побуна 2018


Глобални сукоб између чудовишта за масовно уништење која нису са планете Земље и супер машина које су створене да их униште, а којима управљају људи, биће само увод у напад на човечанство епских размера.


Ефекат лептира

Ефекат лептира 2004


Еван Треборн пати од ретког облика амнезије. Још од детињства кључни су тренуци његовог живота нестали и претопили се у низ застрашујућих догађаја којих не може да се сети. Остали су само духови сећања и фрагменти живота којима је окружен. Еван је сад на колеџу, читајући своје дневнике из детињства и необјашњиво се враћа у прошлост, те покушава да је промени и поштеди своје пријатеље и остале до којих му је стало.


Виртуелна свест

Виртуелна свест 2014


Доктор Вил Кастер је истраживач који тежи да створи машину с вештачком интелигенцијом и људским емоцијама која може да надмаши могућности људског мозга. У својој намери да убију доктора Кастера чланови радикалне организације дају му и посебан подстрек да успе у свом експерименту -омогућују му да и сам у њему учествује. Вилова глад за знањем прети да нарасте до неслућених граница, што ће му обезбедити и неслућену моћ…



Контролори 1981


Доктор-научник пошаље младића са специјалним психичким моћима да пође у потрагу за другима попут њега, како би сви успели спречити њиховог члана који се супротставио њиховим моћима и користи их за своје личне сврхе...



Push 2009




Наказе 2019


Одважна девојка открива бизаран, претећи и тајанствени нови свет иза својих улазних врата, пошто избегне заштитну и параноичну контролу свог оца.


Marvel's Jessica Jones

Marvel's Jessica Jones 2015


After a tragic ending to her short-lived super hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases involving people with extraordinary abilities in New York City.


The A List

The A List 2018


Romance, rivalry and radical mystery collide as a group of teens attend a remote island sleepaway camp in this suspenseful, supernatural drama.



Pet 2020


The psychic suspense story revolves around people who possess the ability to infiltrate people's minds and manipulate memories. Their powers have been used in the underworld for covering up incidents, assassinations, and other deeds. These powers can not only destroy other people's spirits, but also corrupt the users' own hearts at the same time. The users had to protect their fragile and insecure hearts, as if chained to each other. They are called "pets" out of fear and despising.


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion 2006


Japan has been invaded and conquered by the Britannian Empire. Japan is now known as Area 11 and its citizens known as Elevens. The Britannian Empire takes away Japan's autonomous power and imposes its rule through the use of Knightmares. The Empire's rule has never faltered, but cracks have begun to show...


Brave New World

Brave New World 2020


In a utopia whose perfection hinges upon control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.


Family Matters

Family Matters 2024


A group of people possessing special abilities disguise themselves as a family to survive against heinous criminals.


The Midwich Cuckoos

The Midwich Cuckoos 2022


A small fictional village in England is completely subdued by an alien presence for an entire day. Upon waking, it is discovered that numerous women in the town are pregnant.


The Demon Headmaster

The Demon Headmaster 1996


The Demon Headmaster is a British television series based on the children's books by Gillian Cross of the same name. Made for CBBC, the drama was first broadcast between 1996 and 1998. The first series contained six episodes, and aired twice weekly from 2 to 18 January 1996, the second series contained seven episodes, and aired once a week from 25 September to 6 November 1996, and the third series contained six episodes, and aired twice weekly from 6 to 22 January 1998. School location scenes in the first series were filmed at Hatch End High School, in Hatch End, Harrow, North West London and The Royal Masonic School for Girls in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. Other scenes were filmed around West London and the Vulcan Tower is in fact the Atrium building in Uxbridge. CGI was used to make this building appear on a traffic island close to Warwick Avenue tube station. Some scenes in the later series were filmed in the village of Sarratt, Hertfordshire and other locations in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.



Wormwood 2017


In this genre-bending tale, Errol Morris explores the mysterious death of a U.S. scientist entangled in a secret Cold War program known as MK-Ultra.


Dark Season

Dark Season 1991


Dark Season is a British science-fiction television serial for adolescents, screened on BBC1 in late 1991. Comprising six twenty-five minute episodes, the two linked three-part stories tell the adventures of three teenagers and their battle to save their school and their classmates from the actions of the sinister Mr Eldritch. It was the first television drama to be written by Russell T Davies, and is also noteworthy for co-starring a young Kate Winslet in her first major television role.


Suicide Cults

Suicide Cults 1970


Suicide Cults is a gripping exploration into the lives of former cult members. David Koresh devotees detail their years inside Mount Carmel and a Jim Jones follower recalls how she narrowly escaped death during the largest mass suicide in US history.