Кључна реч Aids
Боемска Рапсодија 2018
„Боемска рапсодија“ је биографски филм који слави групу Queen, њихову музику и изванредног фронтмена, Фредија Меркјурија, који је пркошењем и разбијањем стереотипа, постао један од најобожаванијих забављача на планети. Кроз пресек култних песама и револуционарног звука, филм такође прати и метеорски брз развој и успон бенда, укључујући и експлозију тог истог метеора у време када се Фредијев животни стил отео контроли, али и тријумфални повратак концертом на Live Aid-у, када је Меркјури, гледајући у очи своју смртну болест, повео бенд у један од најзначајнијих и најфасцинантнијих наступа у историји рок музике.
Gia 1998
Филаделфија 1993
Радња приче се дешава у Филаделфији, некада главном граду САД. Ендру Бекет (Том Хенкс) је познати адвокат у великој филаделфијској фирми, који покушава да постане партнер. Али ту постоји једна препрека, а то је Ендуова сексуална опредељеност. И зато Ендруов живот почиње нагло да се мења, и креће силазном путањом.
Dallas Buyers Club 2013
Нормално срце 2014
Ова драма прича драматичну, дирљиву и фрустрирајућу причу о почецима ХИВ кризе у Њујорку током раних осамдесетих, са храбрим освртом на националну политику о сексуалности у време када се геј активисти и њихови савезници боре да свом граду и нацији обелодане истину о епидемији која се шири.
The Hours 2002
The Cure 1995
Before Night Falls 2000
La Vie de Jésus 1997
Playing by Heart 1998
Rent 2005
Boys on the Side 1995
Драгоцена 2009
Радња се дешава 1987. године у Харлему и прати судбину гојазне и неписмене тинејџерке по имену Клерис "Драгоцена" Џоунс, која је већ други пут трудна са својим оцем, који ју је силовао. Она живот проводи у тишини и усамљености, трпећи физичко и емоционално злостављање од мајке, која живи од социјалне помоћи и читав живот проводи испред телевизора, у замраченом стану. Ипак, трагична судбина Драгоцене ће се променити на боље, под утицајем посвећене наставнице, која ће јој помоћи да пронађе самопоуздање и да се избори са ситуацијом у којој се налази. Многи критичари сматрају да је вредност ове приче управо начин на који она превазилази проблеме.
Killing Zoe 1993
Живи брзо, умри полако 2018
Жак је писац из Париза. Иако још увек није напунио 40 година, више не верује да је бољи део живота пред њим. На другој страни Артур, студент из Бретање, стално је насмејан; он одбија и да помисли да постоји нешто у животу што није могуће. Жак и Артур ће се допасти један другом. Као у неком дивном сну, као у некој тужној причи.
Fellow Travelers 2023
A chronicle of a decades-long volatile romance between two men — from their first meeting during the height of the 1950s Lavender Scare to the AIDS crises of the 1980s.
Bay Dardi 2018
The story of Shafay, a HIV-positive man who doesn't know how he contracted the virus.
Thank You 2007
Gi Seo is a renowned doctor at the top of his profession, but he’s racked with guilt because he wasn’t able to save his girlfriend, Ji Min, who was HIV-positive. He escapes to work on a small island and fulfill Ji Min’s dying wish: to find a little girl named Bom who she accidentally infected with HIV while she was a medical intern. Bom lives on the island with her single mom Young Shin and grandfather, who has dementia. Gi Seo grows increasingly fond of the family and finds a reason to live again, discovering beautiful miracles on the island.
It's a Sin 2021
A chronicle of five friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.
Precious Time 1998
Masaki is fond of a music producer named Keigo, to get to his concert she ends up selling her body. She end up meeting him after the concert and fall in love with him, and he is interested in her. How ever Masaki has gotten HIV during the time she sold her body... How will this affect her relationship with Keigo?
Angels in America 2003
Follow six New Yorkers whose lives intersect amidst the AIDS crisis and the rapidly changing socio-political climate of 1985.
Further Tales of the City 2001
Residents of 28 Barbary Lane continue to navigate human life, flawed love, and blind hope in 1980's San Francisco.
Woke 2017
Describes everyday life in a Lyon LGBT centre, examining the initial political, emotional and sexual life of a man who recently came out as gay.
Don't Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves 2012
Based on the Sweden novelist Jonas Gardell's novel Love, the story of the struggle the homosexual community had with AIDS, during which time a lot of people who were lovers and family members died. The story is also about family and society's refusing to accept the gay community during that time.
失乐园 2002
Stephen Fry: HIV & Me 2007
Stephen Fry investigates the world of HIV and AIDS today.
Unspeakable 2019
In the early 1980s, AIDS emerged and quickly became an epidemic. Those responsible for public safety failed. People were kept in the dark, afraid to speak out. Ignorance, arrogance, politics and economics all lead to betrayal, to cover-up, to scandal. Unspeakable is told from the perspective of two families caught in a tragedy that gripped a nation, as well as the doctors, nurses, corporations and bureaucracy responsible.
The Viral Delusion 2022
n 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.
In Our Blood 2023
Inspired by Australia's radical response to AIDS in the 1980s, In Our Blood tells the story of a community grappling with a terrifying new disease. With no cure in sight, they realise they will need something truly radical to survive, trust.
AIDS: The Unheard Tapes 2022
Real stories, real voices. The AIDS crisis as never told before, by those who survived - and those who did not. Frank, intimate accounts from the heart of a devastating epidemic.
Positive 2021
A poignant look into Britain's 40-year struggle with HIV/AIDS, told through the stories of some of the earliest HIV patients, healthcare workers and activitsts.
Face to Face: Derek Jarman 1993
The filmmaker in conversation with Sir Jeremy Isaacs.
Citizen Cohn 1970
Citizen Cohn is a 1992 cable film covering the life of Joseph McCarthy's controversial chief counsel Roy Cohn. James Woods, who starred as Cohn, was nominated for both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his performance. Citizen Cohn also stars Joe Don Baker, Ed Flanders, Frederic Forrest, and Pat Hingle. It was directed by Frank Pierson. The movie was filmed on location in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.