Кључна реч Anti Communism
The Way Back 2010
The Majestic 2001
The Way We Were 1973
Z 1969
Billion Dollar Brain 1967
Otac na službenom putu 1985
У филму се описује Титов разлаз са Стаљином 1948. године, као и почетак не само ломова, већ и веома тешких година за многе југословенске комунисте. Неопрезан коментар о новинарској карикатури је довољан да Меша доживи многе затворске несреће. Сада је његова породица присиљена да се бори и чека његов излазак из затвора. Филм прати прича из перспективе Малика, његовог млађег сина, који верује у причу своје мајке о татином одласку на службени пут.
Jack Strong 2014
Advise & Consent 1962
Čak Noris u borbi protiv komunizma 2015
Krajem osamdesetih godina, u Čaušeskuovu Rumuniju, VHS švercer na crnom tržištu i hrabra ženska prevodnica doneli su rumunskom narodu magiju zapadnih filmova i posejali seme revolucije.
Black Is Beltza 2018
Das Versprechen 1995
China Gate 1957
Miś 1981
Man on a Tightrope 1953
Die furchtlosen Vier 1997
Padomju stāsts 2008
Trial 1955
The Vietnam War 2017
An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. Featuring testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides.
The True Believers 1988
The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."
Persons of Interest 2014
Four episodes, each featuring a "person of interest" — Roger Milliss, Michael Hyde, Gary Foley and Frank Hardy — exploring their previously secret ASIO intelligence file.