Беба Бриџит Џонс

Беба Бриџит Џонс 2016


После раскида с Марком Дарсијем, Бриџитин план „срећни до краја живота“ није кренуо како треба. Поново сама у четрдесетим, она одлучује да се фокусира на свој посао као топ продуцента вести и да се окружи старим и новим пријатељима. Коначно, Бриџит држи све под контролом. Шта може да пође наопако? Онда ће се њен љубавни живот преокренути и упознаће маркантног Американца по имену Џек, удварача који је потпуно другачији од г. Дарсија. У неочекиваном преокрету, она ће остати трудна, али постоји зачкољица... може само 50 посто да буде сигурна ко је бебин отац.



Јуче 2019


Џек Малик бори се са својом каријером певача и текстописца, у малом приморском граду у Енглеској. Његови снови о слави и успеху почињу да бледе, упркос подршци одане другарице из детињства, Ели. А онда, после чудне саобраћајне несреће у моменту када цео свет на тренутак губи електричну енергију, Џек се буди и открива да Битлси никада нису постојали… и суочава се са веома компликованим проблемом. Изводећи песме највећег бенда у историји, свету који их никада није чуо и уз малу помоћ свог америчког агента хладног срца, Дебре, Џек достиже планетарну славу. Али како се пење ка врху, ризикује да изгуби Ени, једину особу која је увек веровала у њега. Када се затворе врата која су делила његов стари и нови живот, Џек ће морати да се врати тамо где је некада припадао да докаже да је љубав све што нам треба.



Fyre 2019



You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook

You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook 2009


You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook is a Korean pop music program that is both a talk show and live music show. The host of this program is You Hee-yeol, also known as Toy, a one-man project band. This program has aired since April 24, 2009.


Sanremo Music Festival

Sanremo Music Festival 1951


The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest.


Viña del Mar International Song Festival

Viña del Mar International Song Festival 1963


A yearly musical contest organized by the municipality of Viña del Mar, Chile which takes place during the last week of February at the Quinta Vergara Amphitheater since February 21, 1960.


Benidorm Fest

Benidorm Fest 2022


Benidorm Fest is a song festival organized in Spain by the public communication company Radiotelevisión Española in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana. The winner of Benidorm Fest will represent Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest.


Radio 1's Big Weekend

Radio 1's Big Weekend 2010


BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend (R1BW) is a British music festival run by BBC Radio 1. It is held once a year, in a different location within the United Kingdom each time. It was the biggest free-ticketed music event in Europe, until a fee for tickets was introduced in 2018, and always includes a host of new artists.


MTV World Stage

MTV World Stage 2009


MTV World Stage is a global series that brings multi-genre talents with global relevance to an audience in over 550 million households. Recorded "live" at the most exclusive gigs, world renowned music festivals and unique concert locations from around the world, MTV World Stage is the "front row seat" for music lovers to experience the biggest artists on the globe without leaving the comfort of their sofas. On August 15, 2009, MTV Asia staged the first ever outdoor MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia at Sunway Lagoon Resort in Kuala Lumpur. The event was attended by over 15, 000 fans. The 2011 event took place in I-City The event also featured a live, real-time microblogging application where comments and 'tweets' via SMS were displayed on giant screens at the concert venue.


Trainwreck: Woodstock '99

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 2022


Woodstock 1969 promised peace and music, but its '99 revival delivered days of rage, riots and real harm. Why did it go so horribly wrong?


70 Years of Youth Revolt

70 Years of Youth Revolt 2020


A look back at the social movements, revolts and youth subcultures from the post-war period to the present day: after the World War II, the left-bank of Paris became a mecca for jazz and alternative living, youth culture was born with trailblazing American movies, and rock became the soundtrack to a generation that wanted to change everything.


The Dreamers

The Dreamers 2021


Follows three young Palestinian students who travel to Tel Aviv in 2008. They will try to establish a new and free Palestinian community for themselves.


11 Minutes

11 Minutes 2022


A four-part documentary that takes viewers inside the heart-stopping stories of terror and survival experienced by those who were at the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas.



Glastonbury 2021


The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world. The festival is best known for its contemporary music, but also features dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret and many other arts. For 2005, the enclosed area of the festival was over 900 acres, had over 385 live performances and was attended by around 150,000 people. While the villagers of Pilton have been complaining about the noise generated during the weekend for many years, in 2007 over 700 acts played on over 80 stages. Glastonbury was heavily influenced by hippie ethics and the free festival movement in the 1970s, especially the Isle of Wight Festival.


They All Came Out to Montreux

They All Came Out to Montreux 2022


This documentary mini-series retraces the incredible story of Claude Nobs and his now legendary event, the Montreux Jazz Festival. With over 70 performances and testimonials from: David Bowie, Ray Charles, Miles Davis, Deep Purple, Aretha Franklin, Gilberto Gil, Buddy Guy, Herbie Hancock, Alicia Keys, Questlove, Quincy Jones, John Mclaughlin, Marcus Miller, Prince, Rag’n’Bone Man, Keith Richards, Carlos Santana, Nina Simone, Sting, Shania Twain, Jack White and many more.



NOW HITS! 2022


Space Shower TV recommends the best Japanese and Western music videos of the season in all genres! The programme focuses on the latest hits, new videos and hot tracks, as well as music videos ahead of the next breakthrough!