Бојка 4: Неспутан

Бојка 4: Неспутан 2016


Бојка овога пута жели ући у велику лигу, но током борбе случајно убије свог противника. Када сазна да је супруга човека којега је убио у невољи, он одлучује да јој помогне те нуди да се бори у низу опасних борби како би је ослободио из руку мафије.


Аутомобили 2

Аутомобили 2 2011


Звезда тркачких аутомобила Муњевити МекКвин и његова другарица Матер упућују се у иностранство да би се такмичили на трци Светског првенства. Али пут до шампионата постаје камени јер се Матер хвата у своју интригантну авантуру: међународну шпијунажу.


Гран Туризмо

Гран Туризмо 2023


Прича о коначном испуњењу жеља тинејџера Гран Турисмо играча чије су га вештине играња повеле кроз низ Нисанових такмичења да постане прави професионални возач тркачких аутомобила.


Аутомобили 3

Аутомобили 3 2017


Изненађен новом генерацијом супер брзих тркача, легендарни Муња Меквин изненада ће бити изгуран из спорта који воли.



Ривали 2024


Таши, некада велика тениска нада, тренирала је свог супруга Арта за успех на „Гренд Слем” турнирима. Како би га извукла из низа пораза, тера га да игра на турниру нижег ранга тзв. „челинџеру”, где ће се суочити са Патриком, пораженим ривалом с којим обоје имају компликовану прошлост.



Аутомобили 2006


Муња МекКвин, ведри почетнички тркачки аутомобил који је посвећен успеху, открива да је у животу битан пут, а не циљ, када се неочекивано заустави у успаваном градићу Радијатор Спрингсу на Рути 66. Путујући земљом до финала првенства Пистон купа у Калифорнији како би се такмичио против два професионалца, МекКвин упознаје необичне становнике града.


Ле Ман ’66: славна 24 сата

Ле Ман ’66: славна 24 сата 2019


Филм бележи везу између визионарског америчког дизајнера аутомобила Керола Шелбија и британског возача Кена Мајлса који су се удруженим снагама борили против корпоративног мешања и њихових личних демона како би, средином шездесетих година, изградили потпуно нови аутомобил којим ће изазвати дугогодишњег победника светског првенстава Француске у Ле Ману - Ферарија.


Mrtav ugao

Mrtav ugao 2009


Zvezda u usponu Kvinto Aron tumači lik krupnog tinejdžera transformisanog iz beskućnika u sporsku zvezdu zahvaljujući dobroti i milosrđu dinamične žene koja mu pruži stabilan dom, brižnu porodicu i priliku da ostvari svoje snove. Tim MekGro gumači lik supruga koji otkriva dečakov talenat, a Keti Bejts lik strogog tutora ovog mladića u dirljivoj istinitoj priči.


Крид: Рађање легенде

Крид: Рађање легенде 2015


Легендарни Силвестер Сталоне враћа се једној од својих најпознатијих улога, Рокију Балбои, у сјајном филму који наставља причу о овом несаломљивом боксеру и његовом великом пријатељу Аполу Криду! Адонис Џонсон никада није упознао свог славног оца Апола Крида, светског шампиона у тешкој категорији, који је умро пре његовог рођења. Ипак, нема сумње да је бокс у његовој крви, стога се Адонис упутио у Филафелфију где је Аполо Крид одржао свој легендарни меч против Рокија Балбое. Стигавши, проналази управо Рокија и затражи да га он тренира. Премишљајући се, Роки у њему види снагу и одлучност какве је упознао код Апола, па ипак пристаје да га учи. Убрзо Адонис добије прилику да се бори за титулу, али постаје јасно да за ринг није довољна само припрема, већ је потребно имати и срце правога играча. Хоће ли Адонис успети?


Роки 4

Роки 4 1985


Роки Балбоа је шампион света у тешкој категорији и добар пријатељ са некадашњим противником Аполо Кридом. Када Крида брутално претуче у рингу у егзибиционом мечу совјетски боксер Иван Драго, најбољи боксер у супертешкој категорији, неочекивано нокаутира Крида који убрзо подлеже повредама. Роки окривљује себе за смрт Крида и заветује се да ће осветити пријатеља и вратити пољуљани понос својој земљи. Упркос противљењу супруге, Роки ипак одлази у Совјетски Савез и изазива противника. Припрема га некадашњи Кридов менаџер. Док је за припреме совјетског боксера задужен читав тим стручњака и најсавременија технологија, Роки се у забаченом руском селу припрема сам, носећи на леђима дебла кроз дубоки снег. Предстоји му меч пред непријатељски расположеном публиком.


Крид II

Крид II 2018


Адонис Крид ће морати да усклади живот између личних обвеза и припрема за следећу велику борбу. Суочавање с противником своје породице и само га још више мотивише за борбу у рингу. Роки и Адонис суочиће се са својим заједничким наслеђем и схватити да ништа није важније од породице. Крид 2 ће нам показати шта нас то чини првацима, и да запамтимо једну ствар - без обзира где се налазимо, не можемо побећи од своје прошлости.



Роки 1976


Анонимни и доброћудни боксер Роки Балбоа ради као утеривач дугова и тренира у локалном клубу. Кад га светски првак Аполо Крид из промотивних разлога изабере за наредног противника, Роки супротно очекивањима, не прихвата меч као формалност, већ као прилику за повратак самопоштовања. Почне озбиљно да се припрема, уз подршку девојке Ејдријан, њеног брата Паулија и остарелог тренера Микија.


Soccer AM

Soccer AM 1995


Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around the Premier League. Originally presented by Jane Hoffen, Gary Stevens and Russ Williams, they lasted just a year before Helen Chamberlain and Tim Lovejoy replaced them, where Lovejoy served for over a decade. He has since been replaced by Andy Goldstein and, more recently, Max Rushden. The show has been aired on Sky Sports 2 each Saturday morning of the football season since 1995 from 7:00am or 9:00am to noon originally and currently between 10:00am and 12:00pm. In early 2009, the 500th episode was broadcast. Although the show is filmed live from 2010 it has been broadcast on a momentary delay due to bad language and/or inappropriate content from certain guests. The show's current sponsor is Procter & Gamble through their Head & Shoulders brand. The show was previously sponsored by Frijj, a brand of milkshake, after Dairy Crest signed a £2 million sponsorship deal. Parts of the show have remained since the beginning, whilst new items have been introduced each season. In that respect, it is almost the same every week, the difference being new football footage and comedy skits. Every week sees a new group of celebrity guests, generally featuring at least one footballer who is free on the Saturday, and a mix of musicians, TV personalities, and other sportsmen.



Teekyu 2012


The series follows the hilarious everyday routines of four girls in the Kameido High tennis club who, on occasion, actually play some tennis.


Tomorrow's Joe

Tomorrow's Joe 1970


Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end.


The Prince of Tennis

The Prince of Tennis 2001


Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former pro tennis player. He joins the Seishun Gakuen junior highschool, one of the best tennis schools in Japan, and there along with his teamates he learns to find his own type of tennis in an attempt to defeat his biggest obstacle of all: his father as well as himself.


Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit 2000


Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his younger years like most teenagers. Always a target for bullying at school (the family fishing business grants him a distinct odor), Ippo's life is one of hardship. One of these after-school bullying sessions turns Ippo's life around for the better, as he is saved by a boxer named Takamura. He decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and train to become a boxer, giving his life direction and purpose. Ippo's path to perfecting his pugilistic prowess is just beginning...


Tiger Mask

Tiger Mask 1969


A villainous masked wrestler becomes a hero for the sake of protecting the orphanage in which he was raised.


Juken Sentai Gekiranger

Juken Sentai Gekiranger 2007


Beast-Fist is a form of martial arts where the powers of a beast can be acquired by sensing the beast in their hearts. There are two relative schools of the Beast-Fist. One, the Beast-Fist of justice, Geki Juken Beast Arts. And one, the evil Beast-Fist of Rin Juken Akugata. The two schools of warriors learn and change in order to increase in power every day, as they are destined to clash.


Hungry Heart: Wild Striker

Hungry Heart: Wild Striker 2002


Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a professional soccer player.


Junior League

Junior League 2013


In the town of Podolsk, The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club to the Junior Hockey League and make The Bears a successful team.





After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Japan Football Union is hell-bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to out-muscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?


Ahiru no Sora

Ahiru no Sora 2019


A stout, weak, yet highly passionate Sora Kurumatani enters Kuzuryuu High School with hopes that he’ll fulfill his mother’s wishes to dominate his first high school tournament. However, the basketball club—turned den for delinquents—does anything but play basketball! Its club members, Momoharu Hanazono, a skilled blocker who can do power jumps but is horrible at shooting, and his twin brother Chiaki, a talented point guard, has also lost interest in the sport. With just one game overwhelmed with adrenaline rush and excitement, and Sora’s pure love for the game, the youth’s burning out spirit for basketball rekindles.


Ring Ni Kakero

Ring Ni Kakero 2004


Kiku and Ryuji take over their late father’s ambition of becoming a boxing champion. As his sister trains him, Ryuji progresses physically and mentally and he finally meets his destined rival, Jun.


Match of the Day

Match of the Day 1964


BBC's football highlights and analysis. "The longest-running football television programme in the world" as recognised by Guinness World Records in 2015.


Mr. Swimmer

Mr. Swimmer 2018


Genius swimmer Bai Yongze comes from a humble background, while wealthy Song Chacha's life turns upside down after her family falls from grace. When her boyfriend, Lan Tian—Yongze’s best friend—suddenly breaks up with her, the two men become rivals, competing in both love and career.


Dream Team

Dream Team 1997


On and off pitch battles of of the fictional Harchester United Football Club.



Tsurune 2018


When Minato Narumiya joins Prefectural Kazemai High School, he is quickly invited to join the archery club by the club's advisor, Tommy-sensei. His childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryohei Yamanouchi swiftly agree to join, but Minato is hesitant at first. Because Minato is the rare student with experience in archery, Tommy-sensei orders him to give a demonstration, which Minato does... except his arrow doesn't hit the target. It is revealed that Minato has developed a terrible dysfunction regarding archery.


March Comes In Like a Lion

March Comes In Like a Lion 2016


Rei is a 17-year old professional shōgi player, who lives by himself, not having a real family, and has scarcely any friends. Among his acquaintances is a family, which consists of a young woman, Akari, and two young girls, Hinata and Momo, and who also keep a numerous number of cats.


Kuroko's Basketball

Kuroko's Basketball 2012


In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school's basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member of the legendary Generation of Miracles basketball team. Together, Kagami and Kuroko aim to take their team to the inter-high school championship - against Kuroko's former teammates.


Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa 2018


The passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing football at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd.