Кључна реч Military Service
Major Payne 1995
Јецаји у тами 2006
Лазарус је бивши блуз гитариста који једва преживљава. Ре је двадесетдвогодишња нимфоманка којој ће такав стил живота ускоро доћи главе. Када Лазарус открије Ре прекиревену прашином и остављену поред пута, он је води кући и негује је док се потпуно не опорави. Међутим, Лазарус није типичан доброчинитељ: он се више брине за њену грешну душу него за њено физичко здравље. Сада, пошто је успео да примири несрећну девојку и предочио јој нека од моралних начела из Библије, Лазарус ће бити приморан да се избори са својим мрачним демонима у нади да ће спасити душу жене која је чини се урадила све да крене погрешним путем. Међутим, ситуација ће кулминирати када Реин посесивни дечко Рони који упорно трага за својом девојком...
The Presidio 1988
In Harm's Way 1965
Breaker Morant 1980
شیطان وجود ندارد 2020
יוסי וג'אגר 2002
Va, vis et deviens 2005
Регрут 2020
Николас већ дуго зна да је другачији, да има нешто срамно и неприхватљиво у њему што мора да скрива, чак и да пориче. Јужноафричка влада беле мањине је увучена у сукоб на граници са Анголом и сви млади белци изнад 16 година служе обавезан двогодишњи војни рок да би бранили режим апартхејда и његову културу отровног расистичког мачизма. Црна опасност је реална и тренутна претња. Оно што је лоше код Николаса и других сличних њему мора бити ишчупано, третирано и лечено као рак. Али управо када страх натера Николаса да прихвати неизрециве страхоте у нади да ће остати невидљив, нежан однос са другим регрутом постаје исто толико опасан за обојицу као и непријатељска ватра.
Фокстрот 2017
Прича о родитељима војника који је погинуо на дужности. Филм истражује начине на које туга утиче на појединце и цело друштво, и како се провлачи кроз генерације
Alice's Restaurant 1969
Tunes of Glory 1960
Stage Door Canteen 1943
Kanarie 2018
The Brave 2017
The complex world of our bravest military heroes who make personal sacrifices while executing the most challenging and dangerous missions behind enemy lines.
The protagonist Hiroshi Kokusho was an ace rugby player in his high school days attracting national attention, but his forceful play led to an injury. Condemned by his teammates and becoming isolated, he retires. After graduation, he lives on his own but fails to get a regular job, living a dizzying, carefree, day-to-day life. One day, after getting involved in a fight leads to the point of getting the police involved, he is fired from his job at a construction site and is evicted from the apartment he lives in for nonpayment of rent, leaving him at complete loss. Then a man comes to him and says, “let me introduce a job that's perfect for you!” “A dormitory and three meals included! So perfect for your physical strength which you are so proud of!” The job is in fact at a “Ground Self-Defense Force” which protects the peace and security of the country…
Sentenced to Be a Hero: The Prison Records of Penal Hero Unit 9004 1970
"Hero" is the worst punishment in the world. For those convicted of heinous crimes, they are sentenced to become a “Hero" and forced to enter the mandatory military service in the war against the Demon Lords. These convicts are not even allowed to die—if killed, they will be resurrected to fight another day. Hero Xylo Forbartz, former head of the Order of the Holy Knights, leads a penal unit of deplorables fighting on the front lines. It’s in these direst of circumstances that he meets Teoritta, one of the world’s the strongest weapons. "When every last enemy has been defeated, you are to shower me with praise and pat my head." In order to survive and to take revenge on those who wronged him, he makes a pact with the goddess and launches headfirst into a maelstrom of war and intrigue.
Medal of Honor 2000
The incredible stories of some of the many men and women who have received America's highest military award, the Medal of Honor, authorized by President Lincoln on March 25, 1863 for bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
Klar til strid 2023
Commando School 2014
Behind the scenes of one of the most arduous basic military training programmes in the world. Each episode focuses on a cross-section of trainees that are either struggling or excelling at the physical and mental challenges the training presents.
The Queen's Guards: A Year In Service 2022
Cameras have been granted privileged access to the oldest regiment in the British Army.
Court Martial: Soldiers Behind Bars 2023
Life at the Military Corrective Training Centre with soldiers who've broken the law.
World Witches Take Off! 2021
Countries all over the world formed an alliance to counter the emerging enemy of mankind "Neuroi," whom only girls with special powers could counter. However, the Neuroi never appeared. Instead of fighting, the witches spend their days idly. This time following not only unit 501, but also unit 502 known as "Brave Witches!" The 2nd volume of the comical daily drama of the witches who do not fight Neuroi begins!
Commando 2013
Commando follows a small group of ordinary Australians who take part in one of the toughest military Selection Course's in the world. A physically, and psychologically gruelling 6 weeks, designed to identify potential candidates for the 1st and 2nd Commando Regiments - extremely specialised, combat capable Australian Special Forces Units.