Кунг Фу Панда 4

Кунг Фу Панда 4 2024


По се спрема да постане духовни вођа своје Долине мира, али такође треба неко да заузме његово место као Змајев ратник. Као такав, он ће обучити новог практичара кунг фуа за место и наићи ће на негативца по имену Камелеон који призива негативце из прошлости.


Кунг Фу Панда

Кунг Фу Панда 2008


Ово је прича о неспретном и дебељушкастом панди који жели да постане кунг фу ратник. По је панда која ради у ресторану резанаца коју поседује његов отац, гусан г. Пинг. Обожава кунг фу и тајно сања да постане велики мајстор у тој борилачкој вештини, али његова дебљина и неспретност му говоре да је то неостварив сан. Његов отац се нада да ће По једног дана преузети ресторан и чека погодну прилику да му саопшти породичну тајну прављења резанаца...



Мулан 1998


Препун смеле акције и урнебесних ликова, неизмерно забавни анимирани филм „Мулан“ слави част, храброст и значај породице. Мудра Мулан доказује колико вреди ван граница свог традиционалног друштва кад се маскира у војника Пинга и заузима очево место у кинеској царској војсци. Уз помоћ бескрајно смешног чувара змаја Мушуа и срећног цврчка Кри-Кија, Мулан се труди да заслужи поштовање колега ратника и одважног капетана Шанга. Муланине авантуре воде до узбудљиве битке у царској палати, где част њене породице и судбина цара и целе Кине леже у њеним рукама!



Небодер 2018


Бивши ФБИ агент задужен за талачке кризе и ратни ветеран, Сојер, сада ради као обезбеђење високих зграда. На свом задатку у Кини откриће да највиша и најбезбеднија зграда на свету завршава у пламену. Док човек за којим се трага бежи, Сојер ће морати да пронађе одговорне за пожар и спаси своју породицу, заробљену у небодеру.


Велики кинески зид

Велики кинески зид 2016


С глобалном супер звездом Метом Дејмоном у главној улози, а под редитељском палицом једног од највећих визуелних стилиста нашег времена, Џанга Јимоа („Херој“, „Кућа летећих бодежа“), „Велики кинески зид“ студија Легендарy говори о елитној сили која прави храбро упориште на једној од најпознатијих светских грађевина. Ово је прва продукција на енглеском језику за Јимоа и највећи филм икад снимљен у Кини. У филму такође играју и Ђинг Тјан, Педро Паскал, Вилем Дафо и Енди Лау.


Мумија: Гробница змајевог цара

Мумија: Гробница змајевог цара 2008


Прошло је 2000 година од када је чаробница Зи Јуан заробила у гробницу немилосрдног кинеског цара Хана и његову војску. На иницијативу британске владе, Рик О'Конел и његова супруга Евелин односе реликвију, тј. дијамант "Око Шангри-Ла” у Кину. Реликвија може да васкрсне цара Хана и покаже где се налази извор вечног живота. Када пар стигне у Кину, нађе се са својим сином Алексом, који је открио Ханов гроб, те са Евелининим братом Џонатаном Кранаханом. Убрзо, Конелове изда професор Роџер Вилсон, који се удружи са генералом Јангом.


Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 2016


Када се Поов давно изгубљени тата панда изненада појави, поново окупљени дуо путује у тајни рај панда да се упознају са невероватно смешним, новим ликовима. Међутим, када Каи, злоћа са натприродним моћима почне да побеђује кунг фу мајсторе широм Кине, По мора да учини немогуће – да научи село пуно мирољубивихи смотаних ликова да постану ултимативн банда Кунг фу панда!



Мулан 2020


Када кинески цар пошаље декрет у коме пише да свака породица мора да пошаље једног члана који ће се придружити Царској војсци у одбрани земље од освајача са севера, Хуа Мулан, најстарија ћерка прослављеног ратника, замениће свог оболелог оца. Прерушена у мушкарца, представља се као Хуа Јун и на сваком кораку суочиће се са изазовом како би пригрлила своју унутрашњу снагу и истински потенцијал. Ово је епско путовање које ће је преобратити у поштованог ратника и на коме ће заслужити поштовање и захвалност читаве нације и њеног оца учинити поносним. Неустрашива млада жена ризикује све што има, због љубави према својој породици и држави и постаје један од највећих ратника за које је Кина икада чула.


Хектор у потрази за срећом

Хектор у потрази за срећом 2014


Хектор је млади, успешни психијатар. Стрпљив је, слуша своје клијенте и радо им помаже. Међутим, многи од људи који му долазе немају никаквих здравствених проблема: једноставно су дубоко разочарани својим животима. Хектор не може да им помогне и постаје потиштен. Одлучује да му је потребан одмор и креће на путовање око света како би открио шта људе чини срећнима (наравно и тужнима), и да пронађе одговор на питање “Да ли постоји истинска срећа?”.


3 Body Problem

3 Body Problem 2024


Across continents and decades, five brilliant friends make earth-shattering discoveries as the laws of science unravel and an existential threat emerges.


Princess Agents

Princess Agents 2017


During the Warring Period, slave girl Chu Qiao survives a deadly hunting game and is drawn into the ruthless power struggles of the Yuwen family. Trained by Yuwen Yue and bonded with Prince Yan Xun, she faces betrayal and war. As Yan Xun becomes consumed by revenge, Chu Qiao forges her own path, rising as a military strategist and fighting to end slavery.


Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness 2011


Now living in his permanent home at the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five, Po the Panda trains, battles, learns, teaches, stumbles, gabs and "geeks out" as the newest hero in the Valley of Peace.


Eternal Love

Eternal Love 2017


Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?


Wild China

Wild China 2008


The dazzling array of mysterious and wonderful creatures that live in China's most beautiful landscapes.


Noble House

Noble House 1988


Despite its impressive history and reputation, the international trading company Struan's is in trouble. Overextended by the previous management, new tai-pan Ian Dunross has had to issue public stock to improve the company's financial standing. Even this, however, has not given him the capital he needs. As a result, he is courting a private investor, American billionaire Linc Bartlett. Bartlett decides secretly to back Dunross' arch enemy, Quillian Gornt, who will stop at nothing to destroy Struan's. When Dunross realises that Gornt is suddenly strong enough to ruin the Noble House, he must urgently forge new alliances or reshape ancient ones.


The King's Avatar

The King's Avatar 2019


Ye Xiu is the star player on an esports team that dominates the Chinese leagues of hit multiplayer titled “Glory.” His gaming days appear to have come to an abrupt halt, however, when he is forced out of his team – who are keen to accept a lucrative sponsorship deal he is vehemently opposed to. Dejected, Ye Xiu takes a job at a late-night Internet cafe, and eventually strikes up a friendship with Chen Guo, the cafe’s owner. Eventually, Chen Guo reveals her plan – to launch a new “Glory” team led by Ye Xui. Will Ye Xiu resume his “Glory” days? And can he recruit – and train – enough fellow members to return to the top of the national rankings...and take revenge on his disloyal former teammates?



Kingdom 2012


In the Warring States Period of ancient China (475–221 BCE), Shin and Hyou are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin. They dream of one day proving themselves on the battlefield. One day, however, Hyou is taken to the palace by a minister. Winding up on the losing side of a power-struggle, Hyou manages to return to the village, barely alive. Shin then meets a boy who closely resembles Hyou, Ei Sei. For now he is the king of Qin; later he will become the emperor Shi Huangdi.


Quanzhi Fashi

Quanzhi Fashi 2016


After waking up, Mo Fan suddenly finds himself in a world where schools teach magic and monsters eat humans. However, his own situation hasn’t really changed that much. Labelled the loser of his school, he wants to afford a better life for his physical disabled sister, who is in a wheelchair, and his father. To make it possible, he took on the goal to become the best magician and to show everyone that one’s status in society is not important to achieve this.


The King's Woman

The King's Woman 2017


Gong Sunli is the grand-daughter and disciple of military commander Gong Sunyu. Jing Ke and Li have been in love with each other since they were children. While trying to protect Li during an attack, Jing Ke is poisoned. Li’s beauty has seized the interest of the Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng, and Li agrees to marry him to save Jing Ke.


LEGO Monkie Kid

LEGO Monkie Kid 2020


Centuries ago, the beloved Chinese Monkey King used his magical staff to capture and trap the evil Demon Bull King deep inside a mountain. Flash-forward to modern-day China, when fate leads MK (aka Monkie Kid), a young noodle shop delivery boy, to find the long-lost staff. Soon, MK and his best friends find themselves entangled in adventures packed full of action, mystery, imagination and magic.


The Princess Weiyoung

The Princess Weiyoung 2016


A princess descended from a ruined noble family disguises herself as the woman who saved her life and embarks on a mission to avenge her loved ones.


The Advisors Alliance

The Advisors Alliance 2017


The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?


Ice Fantasy

Ice Fantasy 2016


The story is set a hundred years after a war between the Empire of Snow (Ice Tribe) and the Fire Tribe, where the Fire Tribe was defeated. However, the war was fatal, leaving Prince Ka Suo and his younger half-brother Ying Kong Shi the only royal heirs and pure-blood ice illusionists left in the Ice Tribe. Conflict ensues after Ka Suo reluctantly ascends to the throne as his lover, Li Luo, and his brother go missing. Ka Suo also accidentally discovers an evil presence lurking in the Ice Tribe's holy shrine. He and his companions enter the mysterious shrine, and defeat head of the shrine, Lady Yuan Ji, only to find out that she has been plotting a conspiracy against him. Ka Suo also experiences hardships in trying to find his lover and brother, not knowing that his brother has lost all of his memories and has become the Fire Prince under his mother's command. A war between the two tribes commences once again, with the two brothers pitted against each other.


General and I

General and I 2017


Brilliant strategist Bai Ping Ting and prince-general Chu Bei Jie of rival kingdoms find themselves torn between loyalty to the country and their passionate love for each other.


Once Upon a Bite

Once Upon a Bite 2018


Filmed over a period of four years, this food documentary journeys to 22 countries across six continents, focusing on areas where “East meets West” in the dining scene and delves into the rise and changes in Chinese cuisines worldwide.


The Classic of Mountains and Seas

The Classic of Mountains and Seas 2016


Based on a classical text, the drama tells the tale of a royal who is abandoned at the young age of ten because of a prophecy that said he would kill his father. As he grows up, he must deal with two parts of him that fight between good and evil.


Fighter of the Destiny

Fighter of the Destiny 2017


Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.


Stay with Me

Stay with Me 2016


After an accidental drowning, Li Wei Wei a famous fashion designer, loses parts of her memory. Whereby her memories stop at when she was 23. The boyfriend she remembers has now become her ex and rival, and instead a stranger is her fiancé. Li Wei Wei does not believe that she broke up with her ex Chen Yi Du and investigates the reason to as why they did. Her fiancé Qi Cheng, in order to protect and rekindle his relationship, uses all methods to prevent Wei Wei from investigating. During her investigation, Wei Wei discovers that due to the hectic lifestyle of adulthood, she has lost the innocence of her original dreams. It was this very reason as well to as why she and her ex broke up. The now 30 years old Li Wei Wei has decided to change her lifestyle. She plans to regain her most pure emotions and dreams as well as finding true love.


My Sunshine

My Sunshine 2015


Years after two college sweethearts went their separate ways, Mosheng and Yichen rekindle their romance despite a barrage of challenges to their love.