Краљевство мајмуна

Краљевство мајмуна 2015


Филм приказује сурову реалност новорођеног мајмунчета и његове мајке који се боре да преживе у друштвеној хијерархији живахне групе мајмуна који живе у древним рушевинама дубоко у џунглама Јужне Азије, заједно са богатим шумским окружењем. Живот је велик, хране је у изобиљу и безбедност је осигурана ако сте довољно срећни да будете рођени у вишим деловима друштвене лествице. Али, ова млада мајка и њено младунче су константно гладни, стално избегавају претње од високо рангираних мајмуна који су одлучни у намери да их држе подаље од свог уског круга. Требаће пуно довитљивости, тешког рада, али и мало среће ако ова породица жели да промени своје место у свету.



Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.


The Class

The Class 2016


What is happening in the class? Who are friends, who are enemies - and who has had a mishap? The pupils have yet another day ahead of them.



wtFOCK 2018


The story of Dutch speaking young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.


The Class

The Class 2017


The Class is aimed at children in their younger teens and addresses issues and dilemmas that are relevant to them but that parents or other adults usually do not think are important. It's about small and big things that create recognition with topics that range from how the friendship is put to the test when two friends fall in love with the same girl to how it feels not to be seen. The Class addresses the challenges and problems that children face in everyday life and are largely taken from the reality of high school students, the one they do not share with adults.


Young Royals

Young Royals 2021


Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.


The Teacher

The Teacher 2018


This series shows a school community's everyday life filled with drama and comedy. The episodes treat public and social issues like teenagers' rivalization or the search of identity.


Class Trip

Class Trip 2019


Keep up with what happens when the class goes on a class trip during the spring term in ninth grade.