Кључна реч Assassination
Shooter 2007
Кум 3 1990
Година је 1979. Богатство породице Корлеоне мери се огромним сумама. Податак о 100 милиона долара донације цркви и хуманитарним организацијама на Сицилији довољно говоре о размерама њихове моћи. Међутим, Корлеоне ће убрзо шватити да опроштај не може да купи новцем. Мајкл је већ уморан од живота са супротне стране закона. Свој посао поверио је млађим снагама - дилеру чији је начин пословања крајње увредљив за конзервативног Мајкла. Иако се више него икада труди да одбаци прошлост и омогући својим наследницима да крену правим путем, Мајкл никако не може да се реши криминалне прошлости и властитих грехова.
Ninja Assassin 2009
Retribution 2023
You Only Live Twice 1967
Dr. No 1962
Valkyrie 2008
Zero Dark Thirty 2012
乱 1985
Џ.Ф.К. 1991
До тада најамбициознији и најконтроверзнији рад Оливера Стона приказ је покушаја истражитеља Џима Герисона из Њу Орлеанса да открије ко стоји иза убиства председника Џона Ф. Кенедија.
Star Trek: Nemesis 2002
Јасна и непосредна опасност 1994
Када се његов ментор адмирал Џејмс Грир разболи, Рајан је постављен за новог директора Централне Обавештајне Агенције. Његов први задатак је да истражи убиство председникових пријатеља, који имају тајне везе са колумбијским нарко карелом.
The Living Daylights 1987
Национално благо: Књига тајни 2007
Бен Гејтс (Николас Кејџ), најмлађи изданак фамилије ловаца на благо, прича причу о своме пра пра прадеди, који је непосредно после грађанског рата покушао да се супротстави убицама председника Линколна и погинуо, на конференцији у част херојима грађанског рата. Бен је решен да докаже невиност свога деде и да спере љагу са имена своје породице. Креће потрага са несталим страницама Бутовог дневника, али и за Индијанским златним градом, који се помиње на несталим страницама.
Добитна комбинација 2006
Случај замењеног идентитета доводи човека у само средиште убиства, сплетку коју је организовао један од највећих мафијашких босова Њујорка. Међутим, колико год да је ситуација наизглед чудна, не значи да је и безнадежна, како се на почетку учинило.
Север-северозапад 1959
Углађен, шармантан и успешан пословни човек, њујорчанин Роџер Торнхил (Кери Грант) стицајем околности нађе се ухваћен у мрежи интриге након што га замене за америчког тајног агента, тајанственог Каплана. Тако се његов миран живот одједном преокрене - киднапује га челник међународне шпијунске организације Филип Вандам (Џејмс Мејсон), а након што га покушају убити наместе му још и оптужбу за убиство. Торнхил одлучи сам потражити Каплана. У ту се потрагу уплеће и америчка тајна служба, као и лепа и мистериозна Ив Кендал (Ив Мери Сеинт), особа с нејасним намерама...
Shooter 2016
Bob Lee Swagger is an expert marksman living in exile who is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president.
Assassination Classroom 2015
The students of Class 3-E have a mission: kill their teacher before graduation. He has already destroyed the moon, and has promised to destroy the Earth if he can not be killed within a year. But how can this class of misfits kill a tentacled monster, capable of reaching Mach 20 speed, who may be the best teacher any of them have ever had?
Murder with Friends 2016
In Murder With Friends, Grace Baldridge invites guests to talk about some of history's most notorious murderers.
The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat 2021
The world's number one assassin has been reincarnated as the eldest son of a family of aristocrat assassins. In exchange for being reincarnated in another world, a goddess has imposed upon him one condition. "Kill the Hero who is prophesied to destroy the world." This was to be the mission in his new life. The synergistic effect of the vast knowledge and experience he gained that made all manner of assassinations possible in the modern world, and the secret techniques and magic of the fantasy world's most powerful family of assassins turn him into the greatest assassin of all time.
11.22.63 2016
An English teacher travels back in time to prevent the Kennedy assassination, but discovers he is attached to the life he has made in a bygone era.
24 JAPAN 2020
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his job and a reasonable person, but he often has to make drastic decisions to save lives.
Bodyguard 2018
A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.
Tian Ming Yin Yuan 2003
False Flag 2015
The series, loosely based on the true story of the assassination in Dubai of a senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - the co-founder of military wing of the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas on 19 January 2010, revolves around five ordinary Israeli citizens who discover one morning via the media that they are the principal suspects of a high-profile kidnapping and are implicated as culprits in the kidnapping.
Operation Sabre 2024
Belgrade, 2003. When Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic is assassinated, the country plunges into chaos, and the authorities' response is to introduce a state of emergency. A turning point in recent Serbian history through the perspective of a journalist, a police officer, and a criminal.
Attempted Murder 2018
In 1990 the head of the Treuhand, Hans-Georg Dahlmann, was targeted by the RAF. When he made Sandra Wellmann, mother of one son, his assistant, he had no idea what additional danger he was exposing himself to. Because Wellmann is doing common cause with RAF members Bettina Pohlmann and Klaus Gelfert and is supposed to provide them with information for the planned attack on Dahlmann.
荆轲传奇 2004
Harsh Realm 1999
Harsh Realm is a science fiction television series about humans trapped inside a virtual reality simulation.
Winner Is King 1970
In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu – adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes’ invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion. Live adaptation of "Sha Po Lang" by author Priest.
Dark Secret 2018
Will of Ex-Boyfriend 2022
Reiko Kenmochi (Haruka Ayase) works as a successful lawyer at a big law firm. She is ambitious and she is also honest about her desire to make a lot of money. One day, due to a bonus cut issue, Reiko Kenmochi becomes upset and takes a leave from her job. During her break, she spends time sending emails to people she knows, including her ex-boyfriend Eiji Morikawa. She then receives an email from a mysterious person, Shinoda. That email states that her ex-boyfriend Eiji Morikawa died. She is also surprised to learn that his will states that his entire fortune will be handed over to the person who killed him. Reiko Kenmochi devises a plan to split her ex-boyfriend's fortune with Shinoda, turning Shinoda into Eiji Morikawa’s killer.
A Perfect Crime 2020
In April 1991, Detlev Rohwedder, the head of Treuhand, the East German Privatization and Restructuring Agency, was assassinated in Dusseldorf. This documentary details the strange evidence recovered.