Вук са Волт Стрита

Вук са Волт Стрита 2013


Генијални Мартин Скорсезе поновно одушевљава адаптацијом биографије интригантног брокера. Више, више, више… никад није довољно! Заснован на истинитој причи, филм представља живот Џордана Белфорта, од његовог успона на берзи, великих зарада и живота на високој нози, до пада повезаног са криминалом и корупцијом.



Троја 2004


Микенски краљ Агамемнон са својом је војском у Тесалији, заокупљен плановима како да прошири своје царство те како да изведе предстојећу битку. Истовремено, тројански принц Хектор и његов брат Парис расправљају о ратовању између Троје и Спарте. Парис је, наиме, смислио лукави план да искористи фестивалски дан непријатеља и уграби Спартанку Хелену, због чега ће Грци и започети рат. Њен се супруг Менелај, Агамемнонов брат, заклео да ће се осветити Парису.


Опклада века

Опклада века 2015


Кад су четири аутсајдера видела оно што су велике банке, медији и влада одбили да виде, глобални колапс економије, они су добили идеју: „Опклада века“. Њихове храбре инвестиције су их одвеле до мрачног подземља модерног банкарства где морају да сумњају у све и свакога.



Прихваћено 2006


Матурант Бартлби је на путу да добије осам писама одбијања од колеџа на које је конкурисао, што неће обрадовати маму и тату. Али није једини — неколико његових другара је у истом сосу. Међутим, он долази на идеју да оснује свој сопствени универзитет.



Гатака 1997


Итан Хок, Ума Турман и Џуд Лоу у узбудљивом SF трилеру о човеку који се супротставља систему опседнутом генетским савршенством. Хок глуми несавршеног Винсента који преузима идентитет члана генетске елите да би остварио свој сан о одласку у свемир. Међутим, недељу дана пре његове мисије догоди се убиство у којем је Винсент осумњичени. И док га неуморни истражитељ прогони, а колегиница у коју се заљубио почиње да сумња у његове приче, Винсентов план се компликује...


О брате, где си?

О брате, где си? 2000


Циљ им је да побегну што даље од затвора и чувара, али и пронађу скривених милион и двесто хиљада долара и започну нови живот. Путем сусрећу сликовите особе попут путујућега продавача Библија Биг Ден Тига или главног пљачкаша банака Бејби Фејс Нелсона, којем неко време и помажу. Доживљавају узбудљиву пустоловину с три прекрасне сирене, а упадају и у процеп између два кандидата за гувернера - моћнога манипулатора Папи О'Денијела и реформиста Хомера Стоукса.



Злато 2016


Радња филма прати живот пропалог бизнисмена Кенија Велса који заједно са геологом Мајклом Акостом креће на најузбудљивије путовање њихових живота како би пронашли злато у дивљини индонезијске џунгле.


Great Pretender

Great Pretender 2020


Supposedly Japan's greatest swindler, Makoto Edamura gets more than he bargained for when he tries to con Laurent Thierry, a real world-class crook.


The Catch

The Catch 2016


Strong and successful Alice Martin is a fraud investigator who's about to be the victim of fraud by her fiancé. Between her cases, she is determined to find him before it ruins her career.


The Dropout

The Dropout 2022


The story of Elizabeth Holmes, the enigmatic Stanford dropout who founded medical testing start-up Theranos. Lauded as a Steve Jobs for the next tech generation and once worth billions of dollars, the myth crumbled when it was revealed that none of the tech actually worked, putting thousands of people's health in grave danger.


Delightfully Deceitful

Delightfully Deceitful 2023


A cooperative drama between a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly sympathetic lawyer, as well as a revenge play against absolute evil.


Café Minamdang

Café Minamdang 2022


A suspicious business that offers the services of a purportedly all-knowing shaman catches the attention of a tenacious police inspector.


The Investigator

The Investigator 2022


A story about risk management follows a team of investigators who work together to eliminate fraud. Xia Dong who works as an investigator for a global company that specializes in risk management has always considered professional ethics to be his life's mission. In order to complete a job that was assigned to him and to uncover the truth behind an incident that got him framed while studying abroad, Xia Dong transfers from US headquarters to the Shanghai branch. In his new office, he encounters Jian Yan, his junior at school who now works as an investigator. In the following days and nights, Xia Dong's righteousness and kindness shines through and easily helps in resolving the misunderstandings from the past. Soon after, Xia Dong and Jian Yan are conducting a background check on a company and find themselves facing repeated threats on their life after they helped Lin Jun Wen, an old classmate.


Under the Skin

Under the Skin 2022


Young artist Shen Yi's life changes when a commission leads to a police case gone wrong. Seven years later, he joins the Criminal Investigation Unit as a portraitist alongside Captain Du Cheng.


Private Lives

Private Lives 2020


In a world where data is no longer private, con artists uncover a sinister surveillance scheme headed by the government and a greedy corporation.


The Black Swindler

The Black Swindler 2022


In a time where fraud is an imminent threat, societal issues give rise to a slew of elaborate scams. Kurosaki is a man who lost his family to a "white swindler", which is a professional swindler who scams people out of their money. In order to exact revenge, Kurosaki becomes a "black swindler", a swindler who tricks other swindlers. He swears to scam every white swindler in the world and takes on foe after foe, but can he find his ultimate enemy who robbed him of his family? This riveting revenge drama exposes the very emotions that scams exploit.


Lawyer Sodom

Lawyer Sodom 2023


A legal suspense drama featuring the unconventional lawyer Odagiri Wataru, who specializes in defending fraud victims. The story revolves around Wataru's choice to defend fraudsters for a specific reason, as he strives to win cases against the perpetrators who prey on the vulnerable in court, revealing his true motives along the way.


Paul T. Goldman

Paul T. Goldman 2023


Paul T. Goldman's world is turned upside down when he finds out that his wife has been living a secret double life. His efforts to uncover the truth thrust him into a labyrinth of fraud, deception and criminality that transforms him, in his words, "from wimp to warrior." Director Jason Woliner tries to keep the series he thought he was making from going off the rails as Goldman stars in reenactments, changes the script and challenges Woliner's vision.


The Golden Piggy

The Golden Piggy 2010


Shinko (Ryoko Shinohara) is an accounting auditor who chases after tax evaders and embezzlers that hard working citizens needlessly pay for. Shinko has a knack for solving cases without common sense or standards.


The Broker's Man

The Broker's Man 1997


Drama series about an ex-policeman, who now uses his detective skills while working for insurance companies.


The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe

The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe 2022


The extraordinary and compelling story of how John Darwin faked his own death to claim life insurance and avoid bankruptcy will be told in The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe. The drama relates how Anne Darwin's husband, a prison officer, came up with the hare-brained scheme to defraud insurance companies, unbeknownst to their two sons.


The Big Conn

The Big Conn 2022


Eric C. Conn was a lawyer living a little too large in eastern Kentucky...until two whistleblowers realized he was at the center of government fraud worth over half a billion dollars, one of the largest in U.S. history. And that was just the beginning.



Madoff 2016


The rise and fall of Bernie Madoff, who's Ponzi scheme bilked $65 billion from unsuspecting victims.



Wired 2008


Louise Evans is a single mother who works as a customer advisor for big bucks investors at a slick, pin-striped bank. On a night out with her best friend Anna she's introduced to Anna's slippery new boyfriend Phillip. Phillip makes Louise an indecent proposal: accept a briefcase full of money in return for helping him to defraud one of the bank’s richest clients.


Fraud Squad

Fraud Squad 1969


Crime drama series detailing the cases of Detective Inspector Gamble and Detective Sergeant Vicky Hicks working for the Fraud Squad in the Midlands. Gamble is very much his own man, all too often doing things his own way, much to the frustration of his boss Superintendent Proud. Gamble’s sidekick Vicky is often little more than a glorified secretary for too much of the time but as the series goes on she does more of a chance to shine.