
Тар 2022


Филм Тар представља међународни свет класичне музике у чијем центру се налази Лидија Тар. Она се сматра једним од највећих живих композитора/диригената и прва је жена главни диригент великог немачког оркестра.



Фантазија 1940


То је експериментални филм који обједињује осам прекрасних композиција класичне музике са опчињавајућим, узбудљивим и маштовитим уметнички кореографисаним анимацијама. Свеобухватни оквир индивидуалних делова обухвата области као што су праисторија, четири годишња доба, природу, пакао и рај, светлост против таме и хаос против реда, разигране животиње, класичну митологију и легенду.


Скривено лице

Скривено лице 2011


Адријан је талентовани диригент, који једне вечери добија видео поруку од своје девојке Белен где га она са сузама у очина оствља јер не може више да живи са њим. Сломљен раскидом, Адријан покушава да уз помоћ полиције реши случај нестанка бивше девојке.


Фантазија 2000

Фантазија 2000 2000


Прва прича је под диригентском палицом Бетовена, а радњу води сукоб светла и таме где на крају светло превлада. Друга прича је фантастичног карактера, о китовима који лете, а разлог њихове способности је супернова. Трећа је историјска прича о Њујорку у 1930-има и тадашњем стању духа. Четврту је инспирисао композитор Шостаковић, а ради се о војнику заљубљеном у балерину. У петој причи фламингоси подучавају како користити и чинити сјајне трикове са јо-јом. Шеста прича је о Микију Маусу који је оживео метлу уз помоћ чаробног шешира, али сада је метла изван контроле. Седма приповеда о Нојевој барци коју предводи Паја Патак. Осму је компоновао Стравински, а прича је о шуми коју су чини уредиле, али та чин је такође и проузроковла буђење ватреног духа уништења.


Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle 2014


In the tradition of Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" and Gelsey Kirkland's "Dancing on my Grave" comes an insider’s look into the secret world of classical musicians. From her debut recital at Carnegie Recital Hall to the Broadway pits of "Les Miserables" and "Miss Saigon," Blair Tindall has played with some of the biggest names in classical music for twenty-five years. Now in "Mozart in the Jungle," Tindall exposes the scandalous rock and roll lifestyles of the musicians, conductors, and administrators who inhabit the insular world of classical music.


Blue Orchestra

Blue Orchestra 2023


In the fall of his third and final year of middle school, Hajime Aono, a violin prodigy, stopped playing violin for his own personal reasons. But it was also that year when he got to know a girl who told him about a high school with a prestigious school orchestra. Suddenly, the gears in the clock of Aono's life began to turn again. This is the story of a youth drama that brings forth the harmony between music and the heart!


Maestra: Strings of Truth

Maestra: Strings of Truth 2023


A highly accomplished conductor decides to leave her life in New York behind to take up the challenge of reviving a struggling orchestra.


Reversal Orchestra

Reversal Orchestra 2023


10 years ago, Tanioka Hatsune was a famous young violinist. She won many international music competitions and performed with prestigious orchestras. For some reason, Tanioka Hatsune decided to walk away from her career and never perform on stage again. Now, she is 28-years-old and works as a public officer in Nishi Ward, Saitama City. She still enjoys to play the violin in private, but Tokiwa Asahi becomes aware of her. Tokiwa Asahi is a rising maestro, who is based in Germany. His love for music is so much, that he is very strict on his players. One day, his father, who is the head of Nishi Ward in Saitama City, tells him to return to Japan and rebuild the local Kodama Symphony Orchestra. He returns to Japan and begins to rebuild the local symphony in Saitama City. He tries to recruit Tanioka Hatsune to play the violin on stage once again


Radio 2 Piano Room

Radio 2 Piano Room 1970


Live performances from much-loved music stars, alongside the BBC Concert Orchestra, at the BBC's Maida Vale Studios.


Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile 2006


When a classically trained young conductor meets a free-spirited pianist at music school, their romance and their music have a hard time harmonizing.


Beethoven Virus

Beethoven Virus 2008


Two musicians who retired from their musical careers for different reasons join together with a demanding and difficult genius conductor to form an orchestra against all odds. Although it requires a lot of hard work to form their orchestra, they keep chasing their dreams of doing what they love the most in the world and this gives them great satisfaction. Three young and old people with different personalities and life experiences gather together under a common dream and they find love and the room to forgive each other as they eventually earn each other’s respect.


Sayonara, Maestro!

Sayonara, Maestro! 2024


Ever since gifted conductor Natsume’s wife and daughter left him five years ago, he has isolated himself from the music scene. Then one day, he decides to return to Japan for the first time in decades to conduct a small town orchestra and return to his estranged daughter, Hibiki, who loathes him and his music. Now he must try to thaw a relationship with his daughter frozen in time for five years, and learn to be a father.


Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers

Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers 1974


Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers is a 1974-1975 United States comedic television series starring Paul Sand which centers around a musician in Boston, Massachusetts, and his personal relationships. It was Sand's only starring role in a television series. The show aired from September 14, 1974, to January 4, 1975.


Princession Orchestra

Princession Orchestra 2025


A strange land called Alicepia has existed somewhere in the world since ancient times. It was inhabited by fun-loving residents called Alicepians, but before long, mysterious monsters called Jamaoc began to appear, and the once peaceful peace of Alicepia was gradually threatened. If things continued as they were, Alicepia would lose its sparkling luster. This is a story about the adventures of the Princesses who, even in such difficult times, never forget to sing in their hearts. A pop song fantasia filled with courage and energy, Princession Orchestra!