Кључна реч Pop Star
Замка 2024
Отац и ћерка тинејџерка присуствују поп концерту, где схватају да су у центру мрачног и злокобног догађаја.
Звезда је рођена 2018
Четири пута номинован за награду Оскар, Бредли Купер и вишеструко награђивана, звезда Лејди Гага, којој је ово прва главна филмска улога, заједно у филму ЗВЕЗДА ЈЕ РОЂЕНА. Ради се о правом ауторском делу Бредлија Купера – он га је, наиме написао, режирао па у њему глуми и пева. Филм је направљен према класичној причи из 1937. године о трагичној љубави између искусног музичара на заласку каријере и младој певачици у успону. Филм обилује фантастичном оригиналном музиком коју је писао сам Купер а све су песме у филму снимане уживо.
Lost in Translation 2003
Песма за тебе 2007
Професионална сарадња између пропалог, некад популарног, музичара и његове помоћнице за заливање цвећа - али врло добре ауторке текстова за песме - добиће лични обрт када открију да се њихов однос развио у нешто много дубље.
Рокетмен 2019
Епска музичка фантазија и прича о успону Елтона Џона, филм прати његов чудесан пут трансформације од стидљивог талента за клавир - Реџиналда Двајта, до светске супер звезде - Елтона Џона. Оно говори о дечаку из малог града, који је постао једна од највећих икона у поп култури.
Trolls Band Together 2023
Постојање 1999
Алегра Гелер, водећа светска дизајнерка виртуалних игрица тестира своју нову игрицу виртуалне стварности. Убрзо је напада фанатични убица и она бежи са приправником из маркетинга који настоји да је заштити.
Britney vs. Spears 2021
브레이크 더 사일런스: 더 무비 2020
Мис Американа 2020
Документарни филм користи искрен и емотиван поглед на поп уметницу Тејлор Свифт током периода њене трансформације не само као певачице и уметнице...
Vox Lux 2018
Алвин и веверице 2007
Неуспешни копозитор по имену Дејв Севил проналази успех, када наиђе на тројац од три певајуће веверице: несташног Алвина, домишљатог Сајмона и буцмастог, наивног Теодора.
Wogan 1982
Chat show hosted by Terry Wogan, featuring live studio interviews with famous and notable personalities.
Swarm 2023
A young woman's obsession with a pop star takes a dark turn.
Uncontrollably Fond 2016
The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.
Girls5eva 2021
When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?
The Fall of Diddy 2025
Pull back the curtain on music mogul Sean Combs, and the allegations of violence and abuse kept quiet for years. This chilling chronicle redefines the music mogul and business titan everyone thinks they know.
Super Drags 2018
In this adult animated series, three gay co-workers lead double lives as drag queen superheroes, saving the LGBTQ community from evil nemeses.
Celeste 2024
Celeste is a huge star of the Latin music world. Her songs are a global phenomenon, and her concerts pack out stadiums. But this series is not about her. The real star of Celeste is Sara Santano, a Tax inspector who has spent her life collecting taxes. Having dedicated more than thirty years to inland revenue, and on the point of retiring, she receives the most important assignment of her career: to demonstrate that Celeste must pay tax in Spain.
If I Were Luísa Sonza 2023
Brazil's most polarizing pop singer opens up in this docuseries about her love life, career, controversies and the creation of a new album.
Anita: Director's Cut 2022
"Anita" chronicles the life of the iconic Hong Kong singer Anita Mui, whose dazzling career can be traced back to childhood. No less captivating than her stage presence is her unwavering devotion to family, friends, loved ones and for the greater good of the community. Her vivid life has made for a unique legacy in musical history and earned her the undeniable title of "Daughter of Hong Kong."
The Charlie Puth Show 2024
Charlie Puth attempts to scale the zeitgeist by going beyond pop stardom to become a multi-hyphenate talent after being told it's no longer enough to just be a musician. Featuring artists, comedians, and icons from every area of the pop matrix, the famous faces that populate the show help Charlie to navigate his heightened reality, where his career neurosis and musical perfectionism often get in the way of peace and sanity, ultimately parodying the very zeitgeist he's trying to conquer.
George Michael: Outed 2023
In 1998, pop star George Michael was arrested for a lewd act in a Los Angeles public toilet. This is the story of how his response to a potentially career-crushing event changed history.
The Wanted Life 2013
The Wanted Life is an American reality television series that follows the English-Irish boy band group The Wanted.The series premiered June 2, 2013, at 10 pm ET/PT on E!. Announced on February 6, 2013, The Wanted Life chronicles the five piece band as they record their third album and plan their first world tour. Despite acquiring 600,000 viewers for its inaugural 10 p.m. premiere, The Wanted Life was able to achieve 1.7 million viewers after three reruns of the series throughout the same night.
A new show that’s searching for the next teen K-pop star, and it invites the contestants’ parents to receive direct feedback from the show’s panel of judges.
Once Upon a Twilight 2021
The pilot episode for a proposed 1967 TV series starring Aussie pop sensations The Twilights. Inspired by The Monkees, the Seven Network series was planned to feature the group going through the usual round of zany youthful antics, interspersed with musical numbers.