
Бетмен 2022


У својој другој години борбе против криминала, Бетмен открива корупцију у Готам Ситију која се повезује са његовом породицом док се суочава са серијским убицом познатим као Загонетач.


Упознајте Џоа Блека

Упознајте Џоа Блека 1998


Медијски моћник, милионер Бил Периш има све што се може пожелети, мада он, после богатог и испуњеног живота, не жели више ништа. Све што му остаје јесте да се увери како ће његове ћерке имати срећне животе. Једног дана изненада среће мистериозног странца по имену Џо Блек. Младић се представља као Смрт и нуди Паришу још мало времена на овом свету у замену за неку врсту туристичке руте где ће га он упознати са свакодневицом свог живота на земљи. Бил је спреман за овај подухват све док не примети да се његова млађа ћерка Сузан зближава са Блеком.


Бетмен заувек

Бетмен заувек 1995


Готам Ситију овај пут прети двострука опасност - злочиначки пар који чине Дволични и Ридлер. Дволични је заправо бивши адвокат Харви Дент, који је погрешно уверен како је управо Бетман крив за незгоду у којој му се лице на једној страни потпуно изобличило. Своје је снаге удружио с компјутерским генијалцем Едвардом Нигмом, који је као Ридлер усавршио машину којим ће усисати све знање свих грађана Готама. Како би им се супротставио, Бетман ће требати помоћ свога новог партнера Робина.



Игра 1997


Мултимилионер Николас Ван Ортон (Мајкл Даглас) живи сам на раскошном имању у близини Сан Франциска, а једино друштво му је дугогодишња кућна помоћница Илза. Николас се недавно развео и потпуно је посвећен успешној каријери и покушава да потисне сећања на очево самоубиство док је још био дете. Уплашен приватним животом, богати банкар не види ништа лоше у свом самотњаштву, па је јако изненађен када га за 48. рођендан посети млађи брат Конрад (Шон Пен). Он му поклања необичну приступницу тзв. Служби за рекреацију потрошача која организује „игру“, свакодневно исценирање узбуђења у свакодневици својих клијената. У почетку Николас занемарује поклон, али ипак одлучује да га искористи... Његов живот се изненада претвара у низ бизарних догађаја који су све само не забавни...


Педесет нијанси црне

Педесет нијанси црне 2016


Милионер који је залуђеник за контролом, Кристијан Блек упознаје стидљиву студенткињу Хану Стил с чарима „романсе“, након што га она интервјуише за школске новине. Њихова урнебесно настрана веза ће се развијати упркос Кристијановим спектакуларним недостацима као љубавника и претераним лудоријама његове расистичке усвојитељке мајке Клер, његовог изузетно обдареног брата Илаја и Ханине хипер-сексуалне цимерке Катише.


Девета капија

Девета капија 1999


Мистериозни човек унајмљује Корса, трагача за ретким књигама, да пронађе преостала два примерка књиге „Девет капија краљевства сенки“. Примерци потичу из седамнаестог века и легенда каже да их је написао сам ђаво. Корсо прихвата задатак, јер му је заузврат понуђена велика сума новца. Али, на сваком кораку среће се са све чуднијим препрекама...


Cobras & Lagartos

Cobras & Lagartos 2006


Is it possible that in a world ruled by appearance, there is room for loyalty, ethics, true love, honesty and solidarity? Is it possible, today, when unrelenting consumption is a way of life, to find someone who equates more value to being rather than having? Cobras & Lagartos is an urban tragic comedy, modern and humanist, that deals with two increasingly different worlds: one which values loyalty and solidarity and the other, where the seduction of superfluity and the power of money reign.


Maxton Hall - The World Between Us

Maxton Hall - The World Between Us 2024


When Ruby unwittingly witnesses an explosive secret at Maxton Hall private school, the arrogant millionaire heir James Beaufort has to deal with the quick-witted scholarship student for better or worse: He is determined to silence Ruby. Their passionate exchange of words unexpectedly ignites a spark...


Hart to Hart

Hart to Hart 1979


Wealthy couple Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, a self-made millionaire and his journalist wife, moonlight as amateur detectives.


The Millionaire

The Millionaire 1955


An anthology series that explored the ways sudden and unexpected wealth changed life for better or for worse. It told the stories of people who were given one million dollars from a benefactor who insisted they never know him, with one exception.


Dragons' Den

Dragons' Den 2005


Budding entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their business ideas to five multi-millionaires willing to invest their own cash.


Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 1998


A game show created in the United Kingdom, in which contestants attempt to answer general knowledge questions in an intimidating atmosphere in order to scoop the £1 million top prize. The original series was hosted by Chris Tarrant, and its modern-day revival is hosted by Jeremy Clarkson.



Mesudarim 2007


Four friends sell their start-up company for 217,000,000$ and move in together into a mansion. The original series British "Loaded" is based on.


The Millionaire Matchmaker

The Millionaire Matchmaker 2008


Patti Stanger is the founder and CEO of the Millionaire's Club, an elite matchmaking that helps wealthy men find the women of their dreams. With a fierce passion for her work, Stanger is determined to find love for each and every one of her clients.


At Home with the Braithwaites

At Home with the Braithwaites 2000


At Home with the Braithwaites is a British comedy-drama television series, created and written by Sally Wainwright. The storyline follows a suburban family from Leeds, whose life is turned upside down when the mother of the family wins 38 million pounds on the lottery. It was broadcast on ITV, for 26 episodes, from 20 January 2000 to 9 April 2003. At the beginning of the first series, each member of the Braithwaite family has an issue. Alison has to decide what to do with the winnings, and when to tell her family. David is having an affair with Elaine, his secretary at work. Virginia is on the verge of flunking out of university. Sarah has a crush on her drama teacher. Charlotte suspects that her mother may be the mystery lottery winner.


Mighty Man and Yukk

Mighty Man and Yukk 1979


Yukk is the ugliest dog that ever was, but he happens to belong to millionaire Brandon Brewster. Brandon uses his mighty machine to shrink in size but become super powered while his sidekick Yukk helps him through adventure after adventure.


The Good Life

The Good Life 1971


The Good Life is an American situation comedy which was aired on NBC as part of its 1971-72 lineup. The series stars Larry Hagman and Donna Mills, and was produced by Lorimar, in association with Screen Gems.


Peter Jones Meets

Peter Jones Meets 2013


Peter Jones, star of Dragons' Den, leaves his lair to meet some of Britain's top entrepreneurs, finding out how they made their millions and investigating whether there is a blueprint for success.


Ko Banchha Crorepati

Ko Banchha Crorepati 2019


Brace yourself Nepalese "Who wants to be a Millionaire" fans. Because the next globally loved franchise which has been doing great in the neighboring country - Ko Bancha Crorepati, is coming to Nepal very soon. And guess who would be the host? He is our very own superstar: Rajesh Hamal.


Rapides et millionnaires

Rapides et millionnaires 2017


Olivier Benloulou owns one of the most prestigious car collections in North America. He criss-crosses the world to acquire, often for millions of dollars, the most powerful and most distinguished race cars. To quench his need for adrenaline, he founded his own drag racing stable. With his five Lamborghinis and his team of mechanical engineers, he’s trying to break world records, along with his two great friends, Gidi and Jatty.


The Will

The Will 2005


The Will is an American reality television series on CBS that lasted only one episode, shown on Saturday, January 8, 2005. It centered on the "Benefactor", a multi-millionaire from Arizona named Bill Long. Ten of his friends and relatives competed in a series of challenges to win the right to inherit his "prized possession", a huge Kansas ranch. The show was created by Mike Fleiss, who produced The Bachelor for ABC. The Will is one of only a handful of series in American history to be pulled after one episode. In the case of The Will, cancellation was due to very low ratings. Despite receiving a heavy promotional push from CBS, the program averaged only 4.2 million viewers during its 8:00-9:30PM ET/PT time slot, which made it CBS's lowest-ranked show of the week. The following Saturday, the network replaced it with a re-run of Cold Case, a crime drama. The quick cancellation of The Will was lampooned on an episode of the ABC late night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! with a montage of clips from the show, and the message "Will Miss You--January 8, 2005 - January 8, 2005." Although it was initially reported that the five remaining episodes could appear on an American cable network, they eventually did air on the Fox Reality Channel not long afterwards, and all six episodes aired in New Zealand beginning in December 2005. In the final episode, Long's wife Penny became the overall winner.


Rich Off of Real Estate

Rich Off of Real Estate 2024


Warren is selling his current mansion to finance his new custom mansion and start building affordable homes for individuals in the Texas region. This series goes from the inspection of his first mansion, the selling process and building his new estate from the ground up. As a single father of 6 this reality TV show will show the struggles of juggling so many things at once. Warren gives his firsthand advice on how he made millions in real estate.