Кључна реч Widower
Blended 2014
Астероид Сити 2023
У америчком пустињском граду око 1955. године, итинерар конвенције млађих свемирских кадета спектакуларно је поремећен догађајима који су променили свет.
Гран торино 2008
У филму "Гран торино" легендарни глумац и редитељ, Клинт Иствуд, тумачи улогу Волта Ковалског, ветерана из корејског рата, који постаје веома несрећан када се у његово суседство доселе азијски имигранти. Ситуација постаје врло напета пошто ухвати тинејџера Таоа док покушава да му украде ауто – "гран торино" из 1972. године. Ковалски, коме је недавно умрла жена, док су деца и унуци отишли својим путем, постепено постаје пријатељ с дечаком и његовом породицом сазнајући доста о њиховој Хмонг култури. Његова расистичка уверења временом нестају и он ће покушати да заштити Таоа и његову сестру Су од локалне банде.
Као у рају 2005
Усамљени архитекта који живи у Сан Франциску, заљубљује се у дух жене. Проблем је у томе што дух кога он виђа припада жени која је већ месецима у коми и која ће, ако он нешто не предузме, бити искључена с апарата за вештачко одржавање живота.
Војска мртвих 2021
Филм говори о групи плаћеника који у Лас Вегасу намеравају да изведу највећи икад покушану пљачку, и то док је у току зомби-епидемија!
Lukas 2018
Always Be My Maybe 2019
Легенде у Вегасу 2013
Четворица пријатеља који су већ добрано прешли шездесету, састају се у Лас Вегасу како би примерено прославили момачко вече јединог међу њима који је толико дуго успео да остане соло. Биће то заиста забава за памћење.
Шта мушкарци желе 2019
Жена је избачена од стране мушких агената у њеној професији. Али добија неочекивану предност над њима када добије способност да чује њихове мисли …
Street Kings 2008
25th Hour 2002
Нешто од Тифанија 2022
Живот жене се преокреће када је веренички прстен намењен некој другој одведе до особе са којом треба да буде.
Жандарм се жени 1968
У жандармерији у Сент-Тропеу влада опсадно стање, јер 1. јули означава почетак летњих празника и долазак многобројних возача. Зато иснпектор Крушо и његов верни помоћник Гербер, и колеге патролирају током дана како би доскочили неодговорним возачима. Кад џангризави Крушо напокон помисли да је стао на крај једном од њих, испостави се да је власница аутомобила атрактивна удовица Џозефа у коју се очарани жандар заљуби до ушију...
Dead Silence 2007
Good Grief 2023
Велики повратак 2020
Џек Кунгем био је перспективна спортска нада свог кошаркашког клуба. Ипак, након што га је живот одвео у другом смеру, његове снове заменио је алкохол. Разведен, без сталног посла и с траумом губитка детета, Џек се враћа у свој родни град, где добија понуду да буде кошаркашки тренер у свом бившем клубу. Џек прихвата посао и преузима тим који се налази на дну лествице. Док његове тренерске вештине од клуба праве праву спортску сензацију, Џек све више тоне у сопствене пороке.
Она ми је све 2016
Прича о три мајке које проживљавају различите ситуације у данима пре дана мајки. Слатко, сложено, духовито и дирљиво - баш као и маме широм света.
The Frighteners 1996
Maggie Moore(s) 2023
After Life 2019
Tony had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa suddenly dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes from now on.
Frasier 1993
After many years spent at the “Cheers” bar, Frasier moves back home to Seattle to work as a radio psychiatrist after his policeman father gets shot in the hip on duty.
The Andy Griffith Show 1960
The Andy Griffith Show is an American sitcom first televised on CBS between October 3, 1960 and April 1, 1968. Andy Griffith portrays the widowed sheriff of the fictional small community of Mayberry, North Carolina. His life is complicated by an inept, but well-meaning deputy, Barney Fife, a spinster aunt and housekeeper, Aunt Bee, and a precocious young son, Opie. Local ne'er-do-wells, bumbling pals, and temperamental girlfriends further complicate his life. Andy Griffith stated in a Today Show interview, with respect to the time period of the show: "Well, though we never said it, and though it was shot in the '60s, it had a feeling of the '30s. It was when we were doing it, of a time gone by." The series never placed lower than seventh in the Nielsen ratings and ended its final season at number one. It has been ranked by TV Guide as the 9th-best show in American television history. Though neither Griffith nor the show won awards during its eight-season run, series co-stars Knotts and Bavier accumulated a combined total of six Emmy Awards. The show, a semi-spin-off from an episode of The Danny Thomas Show titled "Danny Meets Andy Griffith", spawned its own spin-off series, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., a sequel series, Mayberry R.F.D., and a reunion telemovie, Return to Mayberry. The show's enduring popularity has generated a good deal of show-related merchandise. Reruns currently air on TV Land, and the complete series is available on DVD. All eight seasons are also now available by streaming video services such as Netflix.
Everwood 2002
After the death of his wife, world-class neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown leaves Manhattan and moves his family to the small town of Everwood, Colorado. There he becomes a small-town doctor and learns parenting on the fly as he raises his talented but resentful 15-year-old son Ephram and his 9-year-old daughter Delia.
A Touch of Frost 1992
Jack Frost is a gritty, dogged and unconventional detective with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice who attracts trouble like a magnet. Despite some animosity with his superintendent, Norman “Horn-rimmed Harry” Mullett, Frost and his ever-changing roster of assistants manage to solve cases via his clever mind, good heart, and cool touch.
The Rifleman 1958
The Rifleman is an American Western television program starring Chuck Connors as rancher Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his son, Mark McCain. It was set in the 1880s in the town of North Fork, New Mexico Territory. The show was filmed in black-and-white, half-hour episodes. "The Rifleman" aired on ABC from September 30, 1958 to April 8, 1963 as a production of Four Star Television. It was one of the first prime time series to have a widowed parent raise a child.
Begin Again 2016
Young-Ja (Park Min-Ji) is the youngest daughter with a bright and positive personality. Her father suddenly collapses. For her family, Young-Ja gets a job at a department store as a sales person. She falls in love with Sung-Jae who is the head of planning & evaluation team there. He has lived alone since his wife and daughter died.
Smart Guy 1997
T.J. is a boy genius who gets bumped up from the fourth grade to high school. T.J. tries to adjust to his new life, but he shares some classes with his 14 year-old brother Marcus, the school jock, and his clueless and self-absorbed 16 year-old sister Yvette.
Round the Twist 1990
Round the Twist is a Logie Award-winning Australian children's television series about three children and their father who live in a lighthouse and become involved in many bizarre magical adventures.
The Matchmakers 2023
Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon.
The Widower 2014
Over a thirteen year period, a seemingly mild‐mannered male nurse, Malcolm Webster, set about poisoning and murdering his first wife, attempting to do the same to his second wife and moving on to a further scheme to deceive his third fiancée.
Papá a la deriva 2015
A man seeks a wife to raise his children and finds the answer to his prayers in the way he least expects it.
In Sickness and in Health 1985
Sequel to 'Till Death Us Do Part' with the bad tempered Alf Garnett, who has not mellowed with the years and is as bigoted as ever.
Rebecca 1997
Based on the Gothic romance novel by Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca is a classic tale of love and hate. Maxim De Winter marries a woman half his age only a year after his first wife, the beautiful and accomplished Rebecca, dies. She finds herself in an aristocratic social world her middle class upbringing did not prepare her for, and housekeeper Mrs Danvers despises her for taking her darling Rebecca's place. But these are not the only problems to face...
A Daughter Just Like You 2015
Hong Ae-Ja works as a host at a home shopping channel. She has three accomplished daughters: Ji-Sung, In-Sung and Hee-Sung. Hong Ae-Ja's family interconnects with So Pan-Seok's family and Heo Eun-Sook's as in-laws.
Diff'rent Strokes 1978
The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American boys from Harlem who are taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman named Phillip Drummond and his daughter Kimberly, for whom their deceased mother previously worked. During the first season and first half of the second season, Charlotte Rae also starred as the Drummonds' housekeeper, Mrs. Garrett.
The Wives 2024
Mystery drama following the explosive unravelling of a family during one hot summer in the Med.
Lilies 2007
Lilies is a British period-drama television series, written by Heidi Thomas, which ran for one eight-episode series in early 2007 on BBC One. The show's tagline was "Liverpool, 1920. Three girls on the edge of womanhood, a world on the brink of change." Due to lower than expected ratings, the BBC did not commission a second series.
Brother's Keeper 1998
Widower and professor Porter Waide has his life turned upside down with the arrival of his football player brother, Bobby, who's gotten into so much trouble that he's been contracted to live with a responsible relative. This move also disrupts the lives of Porter's impressionable son, Oscar, and Bobby's perpetually annoyed agent, Dena.
Elkhorn 2024
Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.