12.12: Дан

12.12: Дан 2023


После убиства председника Парка, проглашено је ванредно стање. Државни удар избија командант безбедности одбране Чун Ду Гванг и приватна група официра који га прате. Командант одбране главног града Ли Тае-шин, тврдоглави војник који верује да војска не треба да предузима политичке акције, бори се против Чун Ду-гванга да га заустави. Сукоб између њих двојице расте док војни лидери држе своју одлуку, а министар одбране нема. Усред хаоса, извор Сеула за којим су сви чезнули креће у неочекиваном правцу.


5th Republic

5th Republic 2005


5th Republic is a controversial political drama about the Fifth Republic of South Korea, one of the most turbulent times in modern Korean history. The 41-episode television series covered the key aspects of the period from President Park Chung-hee's assassination to general Chun Doo-hwan's military coup and his bloody rise to power, as well as the ensuing conflicts between the pro-democratic movement and Chun's military regime and the behind-the-scenes power struggles that ultimately led to Roh Tae-woo's presidential succession in 1987. Given the sensitive nature of the subject matter, 5th Republic tread a fine line between fact and fiction, and faced many challenges even before the start of the production - one of which was pressures from actual political figures who threatened to sue the network for defamation if the script was not modified. Moreover, there was concern over the possible glorification of the drama's lead character Chun Doo-hwan played by Lee Deok-hwa whose strong charisma helped draw in big audience during the drama's initial broadcast on MBC in 2005.